Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Year 4.1

Year 4.1 ended a blessed week in USA. USA Monday was an open day, so we ate Mexican and Japanese food for lunch and dinner, our first on the trip. Both did not taste as good now that we’ve been here for more than a week.  In between I met a friend Tony who’s tried to catch me three times here; he prevailed.

Day two was spent with my loving mentor Herman and his wife Eleanor. They took us to Brodard for Vietnamese food and macaroni grill for dinner. There were lots of pleasant memories and Herman was as energetic as ever.

Wednesday after breakfast we drove to San Diego and had Thai food for lunch and then drove to La Jolla to see seals. Dinner was with relatives. Josiah shared the best memories- he could not believe a pastors wife would put her foot up on the van dashboard while the pastor was driving! The young ones remembered Doris for her brain teasers. Earlier I sent out a Doris video and my reflections for the occasion.

Day four we traveled from San Diego to LA to celebrate with my sister for her birthday the next day. We went to Santa Anita mall for dumplings and gave her a gift while buying another for buddy. At night we had dinner with nephew Joshua before shopping at TJM and then boarding the plane.

Friday was boarding the plane and trying to survive the 15-hour trip while having a bad back 坐骨神經 and having a conversation with a pastor seated next to me. I praised the Lord for surviving the round trip, having to stand twice for an hour to avoid sitting to Los Angeles, and taking my mind off the travel as much as I can on the way back. I was so thankful I had six more inches of room for travel both ways when I got the front seat, even when I had to pay for the privilege to Los Angeles.

Day six was touchdown in HK. After sleeping for three hours I went swimming and headed to the office to catch up on work and chores. I was happy that I finished writing my lost 1 John 2 sermon with help from my internet audio. I caught up with my prayer partners over a drink before I joined others for fellowship at night.

Sunday was the first day of 1 John Grammar SS class. About 60 were present and all had a good time. Later I did minimal sermon work on 1 John 4. At night we had Thai dinner. I was so thankful my mind was contemplating of what to do for the upcoming week now that I finished the women series study questions. Overall the week could not be sweeter!

May 28, 2018

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