Thursday, May 31, 2018


This week is the end of the second year of Doris' loss and the first week this year of it.The eve of the second year, Monday, was a somber day made pleasant by friends. A USA buddy was in town and asked me for lunch on a day I cleared all things for calm. After lunch I went to my chiropractor. Another buddy cut my hair for the big day tomorrow and then coworkers joined me for drinks. At night my neighbor invited me along with a seminarian to dinner .

Day 2 Into the first minute into the day I sent out Doris' talk on forgiveness, our last book and my talk on grieving. The last day of the second year of Doris' loss was easier to take because of the company of relatives and friends. In the morning Doris' two sisters and a youth joined me for breakfast planned by her sisters. Four youth and I watched Avengers because I wanted a sad movie to cry with. After the movie I bought a pot of orchids for Doris to remember her by. Her sisters brought small artificial flowers because I was going to USA the next day, but two groups presented lilies and roses. At night last year's group who accompanied me to Shanghai and youths, by God's grace,
prepared a dinner for me. They were a blessing to me.

On Wednesday I left for early leaders meeting, but alerted the group I had to leave by 2pm. Some coworkers joined me for lunch before my USA friend gave me a ride to the airport, taking his home luggage with me as well. On the plane I watched Guardians 2, Greatest Show and Wolf. The two seats to my left were empty, so I could recline on seats for sleep. My sister picked me up and my host friend gave me  medication to sleep better locally after our Vietnamese food dinner.

Day 4 I went to Riverside to check county records, which turned out that previous documentation was accurate. For lunch I took my sister out to Cheesecake Factory for her birthday lunch. At night my host took me to Urban. In between I did some shopping.

On Friday I visited a seminary I once taught. Later I bought a computer because mine at home was beyond repair. It was the first of many traffic mistakes locating stores and places because of the absence of WiFi. At night we enjoyed northern spicy food.

Day 6  I had breakfast in an organic food store we used to frequent. It stirred my heart emotionally because we used to buy protein, canned fish and other health products there. I tried to visit the library but it has moved. The host's kid says it has moved five or six years ago.

Sunday morning I was at a big church where I visited a fond elderly pastor and gave him Doris blog book and new book. The choir sang a beautiful song that silenced to again at night, bring uncontrollably:
風風雨雨的時候 才知道祢的溫柔多年前 幾年後 仍然相信祢恩手
一年年的長大 一次次的慕
祢都陪我 安慰我 憐憫我

疼我 引導我 保護我
倚靠耶和華 一個不撇下

風風雨雨的時候 才知道祢的溫柔
多年前 幾年後 仍然相信祢恩手
一年年的長大 一次次的慕
祢都陪我 安慰我 憐憫我

疼我 引導我 保護我
倚靠耶和華 一個不撇下
Night was dinner with a former member T whose son graduated from pharmacy school.

It was surely a week to remember!

May 29, 2018
Psalm 40:17

Friday, May 25, 2018

Year 2.52 Last week was a time of tears as I finalized this on the second anniversary of my beloved Doris' loss. Tears flooded my eyes last Monday morning as I had time to read what her Macau students wrote to her when they visited her urn on Saturday at home. I had M burgers for lunch with another buddy at church garage. After lunch I prayed with my buddies and A bound to Canada. After that I sent my mentor Herman off to USA after three months at ABS. They shocked me with six luggages for two people.

Day 2 Two sermon groups asked me to meet after coworkers meeting. Gal. 6 grroup met half an hour while the other just passed notes. I just wanted it done asap because the quality is so so. At night I had dinner with Jacob and family at his residence.

On Wednesday I had morning appointment with chiropractor who worked satisfactorily on my numbed left leg. Then our department had lunch with a birthday staff. Night leaders meeting ended before 11pm for the first time.

Day 4 I am working feverishly on my revised marketplace book to give Doris a present on her second anniversary loss. I was in good shape with the self imposed deadline. After half day work I went for hand treatment.

Friday was a relaxing day because there was no night fellowship. SDD leader called for a last minute meeting to collect church resources, so I was one of his sought volunteeers, no escape but I limited the meeting to one hour.

Day 6 was emotional for me. I kept thinking of my beloved wife off and on. Night was calm because fellowship was cancelled for another event. At night I did prayer walk but no stretching, as chiropractor warned.

Sunday was emotional from the get go. My tears on MTR was interrupted by familiar faces who asked many questions. Language worship also brought tears with a song我要永永远远愛着耶稣. The language baptism for three was at Tuen Mun followed by dinner with three youths at my place, where we shared our prayers. Thank God for their company.

May 22, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Year 2.51

Year 2.51 means the second anniversary of Doris' loss is just one week away only! On Monday I had lunch with my neighbor and his wife. Life is full of surprises. A Canada friend audioed me to to say that a neighbor of mine i have been praying for daily and had immigrated to Canada is now attending his church in Canada.  Later I had chiropractor treatment after two months' absence. At night I attended buddy's couples fellowship anniversary.

Day 2 meeting did not turn out well and most were flat. The backfire was hard to take with younger ones taking it to heart and wanting their say. At night eight surpringly attended men's fellowship, the most to date in the year. One stayed over.

On Wednesday morning I woke to a dream of Doris. Last week I prayed for a dream for the coming anniversary, so I am content. She was in a very good shape wearing a white T-shirt and sky blue shorts while packing a lunch box for the next day. Breakfast was with a youth. At the office had 18 short audios in the morning to reply while working on a sermon. Later I attended the leaders' meeting while working furiously on my PC. I managed to get my point across why a co-worker failed to attend. My day was almost gone after the meeting, so I bypassed next meeting.

My hand treatment was cancelled, so I laid back and had coffee downstairs in the morning. At least I have been consistent with night prayer walk.

Friday came by and my voice was slowly recovering. I had dinner with Doris' sister and her husband before fellowship.

Day 6 began with a 10am bank signing, lunch with language director and meeting with other department. I finally sent all 200 photos to my video angel to make Doris video for her anniversary. All went well  and I stayed behind for a short fellowship at night. It was wonderful to see pth C back again after a six months' absence.

Sunday kicked off with my first AGLT class and the response from the 67 students were strong. I also attended the language worship followed by English worship, then lunch with youth, drinks with two coworkers, dinner with youth because Yao remembered Doris with flowers and vase, how sweet!

May 15, 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Year 2.50

Year 2.50 was a full blown health crisis avoided. On Monday the final right toe nail injured from descending Mt. Sinai fell off, ending a five month red toe crisis. I took Herman and Eleanor for lunch so that Mrs Tang can enjoy the flowers at nearby Flower Market. They bought a small pot of roses for Doris. My other buddy joined us for dessert.

Day 2 I woke to a dream of my buddy crying with red eyes due to a house financial crisis. I comforted him the best I could, saying It's OK.  We had a Labor Day retreat at Tao Feng where the speaker Keith did a good job. My cough kicked off big time due to air conditioner. A few of us had a good noodles dinner at Shatin on the way back. I slept a few hours immediately before sunset.

Wednesday was a leaders meeting where everything went awry with my voice almost disappearing. There was no rest because Sunday was sermon day. I did a feedback for my other coworker. Again I slept a few more hours returning home and ate all thee medicine coworkers provided, from herbal tea, vitamin C, 龍角散 etc.

I met Douglas to talk about how my marketplace book was doing and all went well. Hopefully it'll be published by years end. At night I gave a talk at Thursday Bible study.

Friday was a frantic rush hour to complete the sermon, but the introduction had to wait. I had dinner with relatives but did not attend fellowship because I was still not well.

On Day 6 I managed to write the introduction and did prestudy for my buddy's fellowship, then attended pth fellowship thinking of leaving soon but a couples leader requested help on Psalms 80.

Sunday morning began with a meeting for seminary students and a sponsor. The sermon went as good as it could with me under the weather. Ordination was late afternoon and I had dinner with youth. The week was also emotional because of Doris' pending second anniversary of loss.

May 8, 2018

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Year 2.49

Year 2.49 was not good for my health. On Monday I took my brother and his wife plus a youth to Morning tea but I was annoyed with my brother's inappropriate remarks to others. Later we headed to the fruit market followed by high tea at tsing yi. I finished the first version of OT Grammar Bible in a month, which was a lot of work. Now I hand it to three youths to edit for v2.

Day 2 my brother and wife headed home. Regardless he was fun to be with. He also left a cold with me. Sunday sermon was coming fast, so I had to work doubly hard. A friend had a meeting meltdown with Some, so I had dinner to console the person.

On Wednesday morning I had breakfast with a pth guy and asked him if he could give support to seminary youngsters. Next I attended a leaders meeting that ended on time. I was so glad because I was behind due morning breakfast and our meeting. At night the Tuesday person was mad at me for asking questions, but most did not see the questions as problems.

Day 4 morning I received a call from a USA guy who is having marital and property problems with his wife and wanted to move to the island. I had to cancel my doctor's appointment for my cough to meet with the person. My hand treatment went well.

On Friday morning I saw a doctor who gave me some ineffective medication. We had a department meeting and annual feedback with a co-worker. We didn't have couples fellowship, so I left early. 

Day 6 was a noisy day at the office due renovation.    I went with others to the library to escape the noise. There was no other fellowship due to retreat next Tuesday.

Sunday my throat was still inflamed but the sermon went well One youth accepted Christ. I did youth feedback and event home for a nap from the cold and had dinner with the youth.

May 1, 2018