Sunday, January 31, 2021


 Year 5.36 was a frenzied week with grammar bible, holiday and preaching at the same time. On Monday I was back at flower street before I returned to working GB. Flower street was busy with the new year coming.

Day two was another week of holiday for me till Thursday.  I was very happy finally collecting much of the trash at the neighborhood dam. An older lady who caught me in action complimented me for the hard work.

Wednesday breakfast was with my neighbor after failing to meet up two days ago. He’s got a lot on his mind counting down to his hk days. We had a good prayer meeting at night.

I got my hair cut for Doris’ four years and eight months of loss. The lady did not do a good job, so another took over. I was disoriented because it should be the next day.

On Friday I was back to work feverishly preparing for my Sunday sermon. Thankfully I have much of it covered today including the ppt. Already the PA was asking me for next months topic and text!

Day six was a better preparation day as the youth had practice. At night I continued to track the 4,483 lost “for” preposition in GB!

I woke late at 8 and crushed to church after a light exercise for breakfast and more preparation, not finishing till ten minutes before sermon time! Praise God all was well!

January 26, 2021

Saturday, January 23, 2021


 Year 5.35 was an active week preaching. Monday began with neighbor breakfast. The rest of the day was the usual working on English Grammar Bible followed by Angus lunch and buying flowers for Doris.

Day two was my weekday holidays, so I did not attend coworker meetings as I was feverishly working on GB. My presence was the office was a surprise to some.

Wednesday was lunch with my neighbor hosted by my coworkers. They will miss him but decided to host it earlier because he’s very popular! 

Day four was supposedly a chiropractor visit but I still had the rashes. This would be my last day of the weeks holiday as I return to work on weekends.

On Friday I had to catch up with my Sunday sermon. The last point was not easy and I only got to nail it down before I left the office.

Day six was busy as buddy was also at the office. We had lunch and dinner was with v who visited me at the island as he was taking pictures for his work. We had pork knuckle and he left at 830. Today was special because I had finished two thirds of GB draft halfway through my holiday.

Sunday was an energetic day polishing my sermon early in the morning. It was a solo day as the moderator was sick. I gave it as good as it got and even ended up giving the other benediction as well!

January 19, 2021

Friday, January 15, 2021


 Year 5.34 was a cold week.  On Monday rashes broke out all over my body. I got flowers for Doris and started work on the English OT grammar bible, which could take me more than a year.

Day two was enjoying the first week of my four weeks Tuesday to Friday off vacation because I have 38 days to burn before the new calendar takes effect in April.

Wednesday was Doris’ birthday and my SD godson sent me a tumbler at the same time. I walked the TY beachfront to remember her and had eight treasures bbq at the place we frequented there.

Day four was supposedly a  chiropractor visit but my rashes were full-blown, so I had to cancel.

Friday was a return to the office to settle a disagreement and work on my sermon next week. It’s getting into shape but needs a week more, at least.

Day six was vetting and department meeting. I have to work on icc year plan, which was a surprise to me. I had two lunches, one with division and another with buddy. I visited music practice before I had drinks again with buddy. It’s been long time no see for us.

Sunday was a slower time to church due to more time getting ready for the cold. Two coworkers’ YM and MY improvement was reason to rejoice!

January 12, 2021

Friday, January 8, 2021


 Year 5.33 was as good as it got as I have accomplished most of my year’s writing work. On Monday I bought a bonsai for Doris, bought a Doraemon shower curtain and returned to church for writing and later home for dinner. There was a lot of washing and cleaning to prepare for the new year.

Day two was finishing up the last of my bible study questions for my new book People Jesus Met. As Doris would say, “It’s good!” It’s incredible that I managed to finish the sermons and questions in time, published or not.

On Wednesday my flu subsided just as I was about too see a neurologist. He was not helpful but he was doing his job and kindly gave me medication. I could return to office but I didn’t want others to catch flu from me.

Day four I returned to my chiropractor. At noon I remembered to apply for next month Tuesdays to Thursdays off so I can work on my OT Grammar Bible. At night I counted down the New Years with my godsons.

New Year Friday was a venture to ifc for a phone battery but I was discouraged by employees. I rested and had early dinner with single R and we had a good time. I went home and got a minions blanket for home.

Day six was back to church for music practice in the afternoon where we encountered AV problems. 

I stated behind to accompany my coworker.

Sunday was preaching that turned out better after I worked on it in the morning. Youth fellowship 2020 video summary brought tears to my eyes. My coworkers went with me to get battery at Golden and we had snacks. At night I was at the Laus for dinner.

January 5, 2021

Saturday, January 2, 2021


 Year 5.32 was a fitting ending week of the year. On Monday I had my hair cut for Doris’ four years seven months loss tomorrow. I also talked to my neighbor who’s leaving for California soon. Godspeed to him.

Day two was a quiet day observing Doris loss. I woke up saying Good Morning Wife! I got a lot to do translating Christmas Eve message in two days time.

On Wednesday I got two translations done, which was a lot for even for a normal person! But what to do when minorities with needs are neglected?

Day four was Christmas eve, so I treated three coworkers to a lavish tea treat, complete with three decks of plates! We loved it as we shared the year’s ups and downs. I listened to two Online Eve messages.

Friday was holiday but our pth guys group had hotpot at my place, where I gave them a mini toy and a mask. It ended late but I still FaceTimed my sons.

Day six was holiday too. I had tea with English intern at Yuen Long. It’s a long road for upcoming graduates. Hope I can do something for them.

Sunday was here and I was responsible for Ruth youth fellowship talk with Eastern, Melinda and jack taking a chapter each. The self-composed songs at the end was touching.

December 29, 2020