Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 Week 6.13 was a lively post-birthday week. On Monday birthday proper the Mok family took me out for buffet, then I had tea with buddy, followed by Oz Chan for dinner.

Day two was a post-birthday all meeting day, except for drinks with coworkers. I don’t get much done on Tuesdays.

Wednesday was an interesting day because I managed to look through the translation on Doris’ new blog. Night leaders meeting was a horror as I left at 115am but I was glad I caught the bus in ten minutes!

Day four I was so tired but I managed to lead the North Point preaching seminar and had lunch with Nehemiah and Connie.

Friday was a big day because I found a video converter and a video merger website! I managed to edit a lot of old videos of Doris and uploaded it.

Day six was busy with icc, then purchased  flowers and got a haircut to remember Doris,  and later join Ronald for lunch.

Sunday was monthly anniversary of Doris’ loss but I had to attend restructuring meeting.

Anyway I must say I’m doing well for all the drama!

Aug 24, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021


 Year 6.12 is birthday week. On Monday I had farewell dinner with P with G joining us at our usual Vietnamese restaurant, followed by drinks at another place.

Day two was breakfast with a concerned brother D over mistreatment by leaders. The day rolled by fast with two in school this week.

Wednesday morning was leaders meeting and I am glad we’re almost dissolving soon because we’re like all things that are changing in hk, yet there’s no future form yet.

Day four lunch was with former intern and his former supervisor. It was expensive at nearby R but I’m not the host. It was also the end of four days of preaching class for interns. The video will be priceless.

Friday was bd lunch with staff and they roared in laughter when I said, hk Add oil!

Day six was MJ lunch at festival walk. I don’t know they serve lunch there. Older Sibling was anxious I would reveal ther person’s dating and date.

Our staff gave Ting a farewell luncheon before baptism. I took F home to join others guys for my bd bash and we had a blast, durian and all plus prayer.

August 17

Sunday, August 15, 2021


 Year 6.11 was drama to go. Monday was changing ID, as promoted by Mok sisters’ scare tactics. I got back to my chiropractor on time so I didn’t have to cancel.

Day two was worship meeting represented by new E coworker J. I happily sponsored tea for departing P and gave the person the full treatment.

Wednesday was prayer with new and old leaders. Lots of work is expected. I met SP but did not think I’m best fitted or used. Like I always say, I’m just a human doing.

Day four lunch and tea with interns was enjoyable. Just hope they enjoy my seminars. I heard a good revival lecture but murmured, Why are lecturers good and their grads so so?

Friday breakfast was with tardy Calvin but this time he was earlier than me! I gave ten books to his first year classmates.

Day six core was better than I thought but much work must be done with one less coworker.


Sunday was a good day as we had a farewell luncheon and I continued to interact with newcomers and invited some to my home for dinner next week. 

August 10, 2021

Thursday, August 5, 2021


 Year 6.10 was our anniversary. On Monday I went to get my Saturday-broken glasses fixed and bought a new pair for spare because everything now is so unpredictable. After that we had an urgent staff zoom.

Day two was farewell to young guest. I had an invaluable insight into teen lifestyle. I think it would help me to better care for them in the future. I was successfully invisible mostly. 

Wednesday was busy with a morning leaders prayer and a new leaders team meeting at noon, where I expressed surprise at a candidate missing. All is up in the air.

Day four was a happy intern preaching class instruction that took me two hours to complete. I’ll transfer the materials for others to teach. The interns are especially excited.

On Friday a youth told me the persons birthday but the person has no friends and the family is sick. Such is life because the person’s friend selection is sensitive.

Day six was big because it’s our anniversary. I bought orchids but buddy bought a bouquet, it’s hard to be untouched by the act. At night I was invited by buddy to preach which was my best in Cantonese to date.

Sunday was a good day because I finally got to visit icc ladies whose missionary is still stuck in Indonesia. This is my second week joining youth fellowship big group. I think I’m ready to plug the gap.

August 3, 2021