Friday, July 30, 2021


 Year 6.9 was noteworthy for my turn to speak at coworkers chapel and interns preaching class that got going. Monday was a normal day for flowers purchase and a  chiropractor visit.  The only dilemma is that I didn’t get to shower in the morning.

Day two’s chapel turned out good especially the crazy songs. Q testimony also went well. Hopefully it’ll be my last now that leadership has disbanded.

On Wednesday I got my haircut to remember Doris but I had to take an indirect way because I almost forgot! At night we had the all important leaders meeting to elect new leaders, but it was not smooth.

Day four was another month remembering Doris loss! The interns preaching class response was excellent because I pieced all notes exactly right. We had tea with a student.

On Friday morning I had breakfast with couple fellowship Ed talking about Grammar!   Immediately after, we had handover talks and lunch plus dessert!

Day six was quickly here. The youth were here for rehearsal and I stayed around a bit. Fellowship was at night, so I stayed behind.

Sunday was a big v birthday. Sadly guys will have to hear a departure sharing that I avoided but it turned out I got to talk to a law student newcomer. I kinda found out I have to do more among the guys with the lack of help, but so far we are doing fine.

July 28,2021

Saturday, July 24, 2021


 Year 6.8 was a tricky week. On Monday I happily finished my nicodemus sermon from John 4, so I’m just one sermon away from my second Jesus series, with Paul’s conversion the last one.

On day two I was awarded a ten years denomination souvenir. It doesn’t seem that long or I have done that much because I was part time for the first two years. There’s much to be done in the tumultuous days ahead. Definitely not for the faint-hearted or the undecided.

On Wednesday I was getting ready for my chapel service message next week. It sure eats into my time, glad it’s my EC last. We had a good guys prayer meeting with two dropping out.

Day four was Canadian bound lunch with ZY and our coworkers. They are planning to leave by next summer with a few alum applying to the same school.

On Friday we met with a former coworker hoping the latter would return. We will know by next month. Enough said, the person is reading😃! There’s so little time to serve locally because the times are uncertain and we are aging. I’m 60 and counting down.

Day six was a buddy chat before fellowship, where my colleague did a wonderful synthesis of the 20th century church in China.

Sunday was hard because group leaders were notified of a departure. My coworker did a video for my 文法聖經 which will be classic. I’ll be looking forward to bb night next week with newcomers C and F joining. They joined us for lunch today.

July 18, 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021


 Year 6.7 was the last week of Ecclesiastes Sunday school. Monday was a relaxing day off as I purchased flowers and visited my chiropractor. 

Day two was voting day for new structure leaders, where I was selected. It’s not a shoo-in and I’m torn between the choices. It was announced coworker P would be returning to USA to be replaced by J.

Wednesday was leaders prayer meeting but there was nothing to share except to fill pastoral holes, with more coming. We had tea with Jeffield for his birthday.

Day four was with T to find out if seniors need help. I’m working on revelation 6 in the meantime. K confirmed family is leaving mid December.

Suddenly it’s Friday and I checked a coworkers sermon for next week. Person’s got ways to go but it’s a good start.

Day four was lunch with a sister who’s lost in love. I’m at a loss as how to help her second time around merely months apart.

Sunday was last Sunday school and my two songs were a hit. Even SZ laughed like crazy over zoom!

July 13, 2021

Sunday, July 11, 2021


 Year 6.6 was a good week with a worship sermon to top it. Monday was bland without buddy but I had lots to do other than a chiropractor visit.

Day two was week off for coworkers meeting so we strolled to yum cha. It was needed time to work on my Revelation 4 sermon that is a few days off. 

Wednesday was the second last day to work in my sermon because Thursday is a public holiday. I think it would be ready by Friday. I must admit I enjoy the preparation.

Day four was a public holiday so I took v n E out for lunch. They ended up paying and v told about his potential gf, to which we shook our heads.

Friday was back to work and finally finishing up my sermon proper. It’s beautiful as is! I stayed at home rest  for the coming weekend.

Day six was morning core followed by lunch, 3pm hr, short tea with buddy and xb, ending with fellowship.

Sunday was spit fire day and I did my best. I welcomed a few to the English worship and then pth fellowship later. It’s on me with staff leaving.

July 6, 2021

Sunday, July 4, 2021


 Year 6.5 ended with preaching the last chapter of 2 Peter! On Monday I had my haircut to remember 5.1 year anniversary of Doris’ loss the next day. The rest of the day was slower but still meaningful with buddy and xb.

Day two was my turn to share my mvp for the new structure, which I did with five Ds to introduce myself- different, direct, determined, delightful and dutiful!

Wednesday was full gear preparation for Sunday’s sermon. I had to do sermon and translation, which is much harder, but the text is exciting.

Day four was half day but I had lunch with new pastor Terry and tea with departing Daniel. The latter will be missed in admin and support.

Friday was full steam ahead and I got the last illustration to close it out by lunch. C announced a change of plans to our shock! I declined tea with P and D.

Day six was thinking hard for next week’s Revelation 4, but at least I got a virus story to tell.

Sunday was a good Sunday school and preaching day, richly rewarded by v for Father’s Day breakfast and E lunch treat. P called me for tea and we watched parts of seminary graduation.

June 29, 2021