Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Year 2.5

Year 2.5 was my best in preaching yet, inspired by my beloved Doris and dreams of her. On Monday I had lunch with a coworker and bought roses for Doris instead of the usual lilies. I walked Fa Yuen street to let the lunch go down. After a swim and a nap I had dinner with a coworker from another church, hearing his personal, ministerial and family journey and struggles. The healing might take some time.

Day 2 a funny thing happened after my swim. A small dog barked at me in the morning by the lift. I asked the dog, why are you reasonable無理取鬧? The owner pointed to the big dog that stood behind me. I had mistaken the small dog's barking was directed at me. The work day was fast and furious as I had to preach Proverbs 31 on Sunday and it's been a while since I last looked at the sermon I had prepared months ago, minus illustrations and introduction/conclusion. Praise God, at the end of the day I got two points down.

Wednesday was a big day. First the 2017 preaching class for new coworkers got off to a great start. Two pastors' wives asked for permission to join, so did two fellowship pastoral assistants. At night the deacons meeting was lively, ending at 1145pm. Progress was slow but participation had improved and unity was present. It was one of the best meetings we had because of the openness to views.

Day 4 To remember Doris' monthly loss on the 22nd, I cut my hair bald yesterday, like I did last month, since the first anniversary. My buddy who cut my hair was shocked that I kept the bald look. Today I also put on the shirt Doris borrowed from me for her first operation because all others rub her skin the wrong way. A friend in our local café said I look like a triad boss with my bald head and black and white Hawaiian shirt. I was not happy that a leader said that a vocal dissenter I hardly talked to told others I agreed with his viewpoint. That's how people go down as victims, but it's a waste of time defending myself.There was also a publisher's article on our new book as a bonus

On Friday I woke to a dream of Doris eagerly getting a free bag, very much like the one I got from CCOWE. I carried it for her because she was in pain. In the dream I also got her a bagel that she wanted to eat. I got home unusually early on a Friday because there was no fellowship activity.

Day 6 I had morning massage for my hand that was slowly healing. I had lunch with two coworkers, then started working on a new sermon. At night an intern gave a reasonably good message at fellowship. I also heard amazing news from a new immigrant's wife that they have both passed an insurance exam to qualify as agents, relieving them of the economic losses they suffered since arriving in HK - one of my prayer items because I really did not know how things could work out for them. The best news of the day was I finally finished revising the Grammar Bible, removing the particles with an article "the."

On Sunday I woke to another dream of Doris, a bonus second dream in a week. This time I was boiling porridge so that we can have porridge, Doris' favorite, after we get home for an outing with a friend. I was anxious preparing, but Doris was all excited. On top of that I was busy  reheating food for friends. The Sunday sermon was one of my best in tribute to Doris:
1. Be Tough and Trustworthy (10-24)
2. Be Tender and Transparent (25-27)
3. Be Treasured and Thoughtful (28-31)
I held up quite well but the in-house apology made my tears well up so that it took me some time to come up with the benediction. I was feeling the tears the night before when I decided to stand with the speaker on the podium. The rest of the day was as peaceful as it could be.

July 27, 2017

Monday, June 19, 2017

Year 2.4

Year 2.4 ends with the first anniversary of Doris' memorial service, June 18. The week couldn't get off to a better start when I added more writing to John 14:1-3, a sermon for my Lent series that I did previously. I was invited for lunch by Doris' former classmate and his wife at East TST, to a very fancy restaurant HKH. They really gave me the royal attention, I am humbled. Dinner at night with a coworker's family was cancelled due the typhoon warning. I am glad I finished a prayer for relatives at work three weeks later: 
May the Lord
Gain your trust
Grant you grace 
Grow your wisdom
Grab your attention
Galvanize your faith
Guide your intellect
Get your confidence
Guard your emotions
Groom your potential
Gladden your motivation
Give you favor to glorify His name!

Day 2 I forgot to go work later at noon instead of morning because we have Men's Fellowship at night. At noon a new language division was proposed and all eyes were on me. The night study on Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac was good because all was involved. A Malaysian visitor joined us, 11 altogether, including 4 for dinner. The study on Men in the Bible has book potential.

On Wednesday I woke up to a full-blown acne that surfaced the night before, probably from too much chilli and thinking of the new division. Work on Judges 7 Gideon was barely creeping along, but my prayer group had a good time after two weeks' break At night I listened with pleasure to Philemon Choi, who shared his mentoring experience.

Day 4 was a big let down because I was asked to consider taking the division assistant job instead of the head, so I declined. The work is too much and I had no control, so it does not help to reap suffering. It was a wake-up call for me that leadership is not what it seemed and not my cup of tea. It's an answer to prayer for me not to be attracted to leadership. I am more than content with my present work. 

On Friday I woke up crying dreaming of Doris. For the first time I dream of her suffering from cancer, remaining still in a standing position, but we were not at home. I went over and hugged her, but the emotional pain was too much for me, so I could only cry. When I looked at the clock it was barely one hour into my sleep. Praise God I could continue sleeping. The negative but official ruling on a long running saga arrived before lunch and put a damper on all, putting office transition plans revealed two days ago in doubt and chaos, not withstanding our anniversary celebration. Later a friend Justin came by to visit and we had a good time sharing.

Day 6 couldn't be any busier. I did two hours of writing Bible study questions with two zone leaders, then led 30 prestudy leaders for an hour, returned to office to talk to my coworker for an hour, hurried to fellowship for two hours, had dinner with five others after fellowship before returning to catch a buddy's sermon near the end.

Sunday arrived with a touching song 宣教的中國 and an inspiring message by 龍醫 followed by a somber announcement of the ruling. A buddy asked me to join him for lunch. We shared a lot and was surprised by a diner who called my name. Again the same young man at church gave me dessert. Father's Day dinner was with Doris' brother in law. The trip was 1 hour 20 minutes door to door, which was how long it took Doris' sisters to travel at least two times a week to care for her when she was sick, what sacrificial love! Returning home with two hours more before bed, I managed to finish the John 14:1-3 The Third Person of the Trinity sermon for Lent:
1. The Spirit is Our Close Companion (v 1)
2. The Holy Spirit is Our Command Center (v 2)
3. The Holy Spirit is Our Choice Comfort (v 3)

Finally I thank and praise God for giving me a poignant and passionate dream of Doris on Friday, two days before anniversary of her Memorial Service.

June 19, 2017

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Year 2.3

Year 2.3 was a fair week for me. Monday lunch appointment was a waste because I was earlier by a week and it was not due till next week, so I ate two buns from a fast food 包點, very good for the money's worth, less than ten dollars each. After swimming I met a pth friend for high tea, followed by a seminarian's graduation, the only person I interviewed to recommend for school. I arrived home near midnight with late supper  included.

Day 2 we had the shortest meeting meeting for 1 Thess 4:1-7, ending in half hour. Noon staff meeting was a dud, but I was invited by the chair to a drink, which means work. I was again asked to lead a new language department, a subject previously broached that I resisted. My answer now is, up to leadership. I have no preference nor do I want to choose. My immediate task is to find two English speaking coworkers. After work I took home flowers from mother's fellowship that I requested a year later. I missed the flowers that reminded me of Doris and the kindness of others. This time, lilies were added due Doris' fondness for it.

On Wednesday I can only remember working on Gideon's story from Judges 7 for men's fellowship. The sermon preparation has not been going smoothly. The hot weather that started this week definitely induces sleep.

Day 4 was a hot morning, so I decided to have breakfast in local café rather than have bread at home. I was comforted by the thought of Doris not having to endure last year's summer.

On Friday morning I decided to return to office to escape the heat even though I worked from noon on. Staff was surprised to see me working on my PC in the lobby. I enjoyed doing so before Doris' loss but shied away for a long time. I received soup that I requested, again a year later. I was delighted it was served in the same blue flask. 

Day 6 morning I asked masseur to treat my right leg as well now that the hand is better. The treatment on my left leg last week worked; my right knee, however, is still vulnerable from the air-conditioning chill. The person placed his elbow on the underside of my knees to separate the right veins and muscles. At lunch I got together with the new staff of couples fellowship, which we had two. We shared about our roles, how we can and should work and blend together. Coworker conflict can scar all. A song 尋求神的臉, sung in pth inspired me at pth fellowship. After fellowship I had a drink with a couple; one of them was invited to join leadership.

On Sunday morning I had a good high blood pressure reading of 130/87. I was emotional near end of song我知道我的救贖者活著. The same happened at noon prayer with the husband of soup giver present. A young man gave me homemade drink 羅漢果, so I was thankful, inviting a co-worker to drink with me at lunch. At night I had dinner with a visitor from Malaysia.

June 13, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Year 2.2

Year 2.2 started by providing me a good signal to go ahead with blogging when Doris appeared in a dream. On Monday I killed two birds with one stone by meeting a friend in Prince Edward  and getting flowers for Doris. He was hoping to get an overseas ministry position and got a call the same morning for his family to visit Canada. Evening was spent in fellowship with buddies, followed by prayer walk. There was also interaction with neighbors. It begins with a morning exchange with a lifeguard. He told me he's returned to church, invited by his former pastor to the latter's new pastorate. Good news for us because Doris and I have known the young man for a few years. At night I met a neighbor on bus and finally told him that it's been a year Doris passed away. He said he heard about the news from a morning fellow clubhouse member. Since we were nearby my apartment, I asked him to wait downstairs while I grabbed Doris' blog book and gave one to him.

Day 2 was Dragon Boat public holiday. Doris' two local sisters came in the morning with flowers for her and helped to clean up the two bouquet of flowers from her first anniversary loss. We head off for 飲茶 at North Garden, a place we have not returned to since Doris' loss, mainly because the restaurant has moved. After that I did work at our regular Sheung Wan cafeteria for two hours until it was high tea time, when I walked around a few
blocks before deciding to eat at our old Dragon Help eatery, ordering Teochew noodles with wonton for $28, plus another $5 for added beef balls. Later I took the 430pm ferry home, buying two buns at IFC just in case I was hungry.

On Wednesday I finally finished the hardest sermon in my Lent series, before I found out in the next few days there were other relevant Lent passages too. Here's my outline for Behold the Lamb (Isa 53):
1. Be Drawn to the Dear Lamb (1-5)
2. Be Delivered by the Dying Lamb (6-9)
3. Be Devoted to the Divine Lamb (10-12)

The next day was a relief for me as I finally finished my coming Sunday worship sermon. I was surprised the translation took me two days only instead of the regular three to four days especially on a tough text, John 4 on the Samaritan woman. I was short of time because Tuesday was a holiday, but here's my outline:
Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul:
1. Be Delighted: Your Wants are Delivered (7-15)
2. Be Deepened: Your Worth is Defined (16-18)
3. Be Devoted: Your Worship is Demanded (19-26)

On Friday I and two coworkers visited a friend who is in another ministry. The work needs time to get started and it was not easy to be by oneself in transition. At night I sat on front row in Couples fellowship for the first time in over a year!

Day 6 I woke up to a pleasant and poignant dream of Doris. She was anxious to drink and sample the soup she made. I, on the other hand, was sparing in giving away the magazines that we do not published in real life. It has been a while since my last dream of Doris. In the morning I met Doris' very good neighbor friend who told me, 冇諗咁多. I had lunch with an intern and at night I was touched by a familiar song 獻給我天上的主 and TVs Star Trek Into Darkness, shedding some tears.

On Sunday all went well with my John 4 message except I ran over by six minutes at least. A song inspired me 盡情的敬拜:
I had lunch with a buddy before he left for missions next day.

Thanks for hearing me out. The second week has not been easy but God has been faithful.

June 6, 2017