Thursday, June 2, 2016

Rest in Peace, Doris! May 22, 2016

*Jesus Wept*
Yesterday her sister Marion敏英 came in the morning to care for her and To導英 took over in the afternoon, so Doris saw all her beloved HK sisters before she departed. At noon she rested at club house and at evening the pain overwhelmed her and she contemplated going to emergency but To feared no doctor was present over weekend. An hour later the pain persisted and I asked her if she still wanna go. This time she said no, fearing no treatment there. I massaged her legs with cream for her at her request and she felt relaxed and ready for bed. When she got up she suddenly asked if she should shower, we both said yes just in case she would be hospitalized today, her worst fear. 

I adjusted the water to the right temperature for her before she sat on the stool in tub. She drew the curtains and showered and slumped unconscious over sideways within a minute or two. Doris favorite request in the swimming pool was for me to give her a piggy back ride, so I dried her quickly and scooped her in my arms without thinking and rushed her to our sofa. I could never have done that usually for fear of dropping her. She would not dare either. At 921pm To placed a call to police while I did quick work to dress her up at the same time hearung the police reply over the phone that they are on the way. Ma Wan is less than ten minutes walking fron one end to other. The two of us barely managed to slip her favorite pants and shirt on when they knocked on our door seconds earlier.

The paramedics did CPR and revived her to send her to hospital. To went ahead to ambulance while I have to lock up as the police were slow to pick up their things. Just as the ambulance was waiting for me a police downstairs said I have to stay to give my account of events, so they left without me. At 956pm To gave me a call and said doctor wanna asked me if I want to resusticate her, and we both agreed that's not her wish.

I caught a taxi to 人濟and arrived seconds before Marion and Tos husband Chiu. The doctor gave us 1009pm time of her departure and said she barely revived one minute before slipping away. Then 煒成,鄭昌,Grace, Paulina joined us to see her body for last time yesterday. I cried my heart, lungs and soul and everything out so that my chest hurts next day. 鄭and 煒成said prayers for us, we sang amazing grace one verse and all took turns to say goodbye to her.

Again the police said they have to return to scene, so Cheng said ask neighbor Ying Fung to be there. At first I resisted because it was past 1130p but a witness was better. It was five against one, so I hopped on police van and Ying Fung was at my building lobby.

After the report I sent Ying Fung home as I want to be alone with Doris. I slept 3 to 5 am and said good morning to Doris even when she is not here. I will try to do more often. This morn I ate the leftover 石斑 fish, clams and 毛瓜 - all her fave - she could not eat last night and her porridge reserved for today, just to reminisce her. I miss her a lot but God is the best caregiver, so I am comforted.

Praise God who received her the best way possible, at home with hubby, almost in bed, which was her wish, but Marion said that might not be good because we would not know till morning. My wife wanted to leave like my father did, eat chicken rice, shower and pass away in sleep.

Yesterday two worships prayed for Doris and she was blessed to depart on the Lord's Day. Thanks all for prayers, food and love, it's what kept her going. May the Lord richly repay all.

The funeral is tentatively scheduled on June 18 Saturday morning. 

Victor Yap

* 耶穌哭了*



導姐在晚上9:21報了警,當我們聽到警察的回覆,說他們正在趕來我家,我們曉得要快為Dori穿衣。馬灣是一個很小的社區,從一頭走到另外一頭只需要十分鐘, 我們剛剛幫Doris穿上她最喜歡的衣衫和褲子,警察已經到了門口。醫護人員來到時為她做了心肺復甦CPR,讓她恢復知覺,再由救護車送去仁濟醫院。我需要等警員在屋內慢慢收集証物,鎖門之後要達的士去醫院。救護車本來在樓下等着我,但樓下的一位警員說我必須留下來錄口供,救護車就先走了。

晚上9:56分醫院打電話給我,問我是否想要搶救Doris,我們清楚這不是她的意願。我馬上打車到了仁濟醫院,敏英和導英的丈夫超哥也差不多時間趕到。醫生告訴我們,她只短暫甦醒了一分鐘,証實去世的時間是晚上10:09。之後煒成,鄭昌,Grace, Paulina 也趕來了。我哭得撕心裂肺(第二天胸口很痛),鄭昌、煒成為我們禱告,大家一起唱詩歌“奇異恩典”,每人輪流和她道別。


錄完口供,送走了英峰,我想和Doris單獨在一起。我從凌晨3點睡到5點,起牀時雖然知道她不在,還是對她說了一聲“早安!” 我以後會經常這麼做。心裏懷念着她,我把昨晚她的剩菜 - 石斑、蜆和毛瓜做早餐吃了,這些都是她愛吃的,還有預備她今天喝的粥。我非常掛念她,但神是最好的照顧者,我的心被神安慰了。



葉福成May 22

1 comment:

  1. My sincere condolence, may the Lord embrace you and comfort you. It is just a short separation, will meet Doris on that day. Take care Victor!

