Friday, January 8, 2021


 Year 5.33 was as good as it got as I have accomplished most of my year’s writing work. On Monday I bought a bonsai for Doris, bought a Doraemon shower curtain and returned to church for writing and later home for dinner. There was a lot of washing and cleaning to prepare for the new year.

Day two was finishing up the last of my bible study questions for my new book People Jesus Met. As Doris would say, “It’s good!” It’s incredible that I managed to finish the sermons and questions in time, published or not.

On Wednesday my flu subsided just as I was about too see a neurologist. He was not helpful but he was doing his job and kindly gave me medication. I could return to office but I didn’t want others to catch flu from me.

Day four I returned to my chiropractor. At noon I remembered to apply for next month Tuesdays to Thursdays off so I can work on my OT Grammar Bible. At night I counted down the New Years with my godsons.

New Year Friday was a venture to ifc for a phone battery but I was discouraged by employees. I rested and had early dinner with single R and we had a good time. I went home and got a minions blanket for home.

Day six was back to church for music practice in the afternoon where we encountered AV problems. 

I stated behind to accompany my coworker.

Sunday was preaching that turned out better after I worked on it in the morning. Youth fellowship 2020 video summary brought tears to my eyes. My coworkers went with me to get battery at Golden and we had snacks. At night I was at the Laus for dinner.

January 5, 2021

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