Year 5.9 is a big relief for me because I don’t get to preach and get a break for at least a month. Monday was a big trip to church to drop off some things.
Day two was almost deserted at the office but for a few of us die hards. We had zoom meeting and I had to start translating my Sunday message in Habakkuk 3. I got my haircut to remember Doris tomorrow.
Wednesday was the monthly anniversary of Doris’ loss and we got ready the video of her third month of blogging. We have a morning leaders meeting and I advocated for live worship again. I’m used to eating out on my own now.
Day four was spent on fine tuning my sermon. My chiropractor had canceled because I was the only customer!
Friday morning was department meeting and we had to work on some worship problems. The rest of the day was more or less the same but this time finishing up my sermon.
Day six we had a language meeting and noon we had praise team practice because our guest team disappeared again! We had great zoom birthday for beloved v.
Sunday was big sermon day. I was so proud to complete my Habakkuk sermon series! I had a talk with two Keiths before I bought flowers for Doris. Student cooked dinner.
July 28, 2020
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