Friday, May 8, 2020

Year 4.50

Year 4.50 is two weeks from Doris’ fourth year is loss. I don’t even know how to feel about it. On Monday I had a pepper steak burger which was a messy lunch by itself. As usual I had a cone to end lunch and made it home by 4pm.

Day two was work as usual. Three coworkers were at ping pong room when my departing coworker shared along with others their plans in a year of mass exodus with 13 coworkers exiting the door.

On Wednesday momentum was building in our idea of recording a song for a young fellowship member whose father passed away in China but he could only rush home to be in isolation and missed the funeral. Practice will be on Saturday as K has chosen the song. It would be a multiple venues recording style popular in virus times. At night we had our prayer support group.

Day four was the first day public holiday. I’m now used to my late lunch and return home by 4pm schedule. I went to KF and bought roast pork to eat with my neighbors on a spur of the moment decision.

Friday was harder to top since I already had lunch yesterday. I decided to take village bus and had Taiwan noodles. For two days I spent an hour in study in the morning.

Day six morning was compensation day so I did more writing before I joined the group to do the recording which took us four hours at least.

Sunday was a full day. After visiting icc I checked in at 14 floor for pth live. After that we had lunch and did evaluation before we had light dessert. At night we shared the video with A to a lot of tears. I cried seeing it for the first time.

May 5, 2020

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