Thursday, January 30, 2020

Year 4.36

Year 4.36 was a scary virus week. On Monday I finally finished my personal Ezra 8 sermon that took me more than a month. It’s a lot of work but the satisfaction is greater!

Day two morning was a coworkers meeting to see how to divvy up the work now that B coworker is leaving. The two Ks will help to lead prestudy and I will chair the group leaders meeting. I had my haircut to remember Doris tomorrow. Buddy asked me if I were going to a funeral but I also had to counsel X and J about their wedding problems.

Wednesday night was two PA interviews. One worked out but one was problematic. It’s been quite a balancing headcount act lately!

Day four was close to new year so there was lots of cleaning at the house. Met SFs K for lunch. I also had a painful foot massage.

Friday was New Year’s Eve so we went to dragon tribe for lunch with Derek. Our three families dinner was canceled because SARs was menacing two in the nursing profession.

On Saturday things were bad this year due the virus but we went to see 1917 in the mornings and ate at shake shack for the first time. At night we cooked our own spaghetti.

On Sunday the Chungs, the Chius, Roger and I had New Years lunch. Later we had another leaders meeting to tackle the health crisis. At night we had home made chicken mushroom to our satisfaction.

January 28, 2020

Friday, January 24, 2020

Year 4.35

Year 4.35 was a sudden change in pace because I forgot I was preaching this week. Monday was a normal day as we tried a TW Chinese bbq place. It pales in comparison to dragon tribe.

I was shocked by the crossover of secrecy and privacy lately. I asked questions but the legal wall was too high to climb. Separated or D? I figured out the answer lately because silence means scandal. It turned out to be worse.

On Wednesday I took half a day off because I had a hospital check up. There’s nothing the doctor could tell me but at least I got four months of high blood pressure meds. Night was leaders meeting but I was calm as a cucumber because I had answers to the collective secret.

Day four was lunch with SF friend who accompanied his father to Taiwan for the elections. His father voted for a candidate who was his former classmate. Friend is Bloombergish and tells me two elections will define the year, one in hk and another in USA.

On Friday morning I was surprised to know I’m speaking in two days time. I was given a wrong calendar so I had to make up for time like Superman. I had finished two of three points.

Day six was no time to lose but I need a last illustration and found it after three hours. A good illustration is hard to find. Night was fellowship and James needed 16 more books.

Praise the Lord the sermon worked out on Sunday even though I did not sleep well. Andrew challenged me when I said the Bible uses the phrase “keep His commands” and “keep His words” but never “keep His law,” except the last in a negative sense. We had six for our most wonderful reunion dinner.

January 21, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Year 4.34

Year 4.34 was sad for me remembering Doris’ birthday. Monday was her 57th birthday. I had lunch with Buddies and two but the date was not by design. After dinner I had a chiropractor appointment at Mongkok. We had HiT for early dinner as I spent the rest of the night by myself.

On Day two I weighed myself at 166 lbs, a delightful pound more! I was immersed at the office in translating my Lam 1 sermon into Indonesian for the coming Sunday. Night was highlighted by dinner with the Tais from USA.

On Wednesday I had my full of meetings. First was morning leaders. Next was language meeting, where I had to resolve issues. Third our coworkers small group had our sharing after a two months break.

Day four was a chiropractor appointment, followed by tea with Rachel Lau to see how the Lau family is doing in Kingston, Canada! They’ll be permanent residents in a few months.

Friday morning was breakfast with English coworker, who is getting the hang of things. I was finally done with Indonesian translation and ppt. Night was dinner with Faith before she leaves hk.

Day six began with English core in the morning, where the English leader ran out of time with his long drawn way of sharing and doing things. I had to leave for pth lunch and meeting. Next we had to talk to a yellow pth person whose wife threatened to leave him.

Sermon Sunday arrived and the Indonesian service was very lively, I must add.  I left for English worship and then to pth worship to do the benediction. Later at the afternoon baby dedication I heard a song that made me cry thinking of Doris, even at night. I had dinner with six youngsters before I headed home.

January 14, 2020

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Year 4.33

Year 4.33 was greeting the new year. Monday was the second day leaders retreat. Frankly I was tired and ready to leave for dinner with two. The school discussion made no sense anyway.

Day two was New Year’s Eve. Coworkers meeting was canceled and few came to work. A and J stayed over for the New Year’s 7 am worship tomorrow.

We woke up at 530am to catch the 6am bus to TY and head to church. Everything was perfect and we got there 630am free of traffic trouble. Young attendance was 10 strong and 8 had breakfast together.

Day four was lunch with old friend Ronald. I tried a beyond meat burger for the first time but it was nothing special. It was flat as tofu.

Friday was dinner with Faith before her trip to visit her grandson in two week’s time. She exchanged for me some red packets.

Day six was the unwelcome yearly vetting. The year will be downright challenging with staff turnover an issue even in my division.

Sunday reception for my Lam 3 English sermon was strong, including the Cats song. A guest said I’m a people magnet! Many youth were present, which was a big change. I wanted to join the young for HiT but I had to attend B graduation dinner. Two bought roses for Doris’ birthday tomorrow. I thanked the Lord for a dream this week when Doris said, Blame competition! It doesn’t mean sense now but I take it as a blessing.

January 7, 2020

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Year 4.32

Year 4.32 was close to year’s end. Monday’s change of schedule to 3pm by my foot masseur took me by surprise and interrupted the rest of my day.

Day two morning breakfast was with English intern. I also bumped into a neighbor’s sister who told me her sister Helen was dead from a Japan trip. I talked to buddy about some up to no good again.

Wednesday was Christmas Day with Shanghai folks after watoto concert and we all had much fun with gift exchange.

Thursday Boxing Day was recovery from the party yesterday. I slept twice in the afternoon. We hD lunch with Jack’s father who attended the cmas concert. He declined at lunch to accept Christ.

On Friday I went with the young to see the musical Esther by David Quah. It was fun to see a hometown producer. We also had dinner at Dragon Tribe. A young commented I was good socially after I chatted the producer.

Day six Peter and I visited A who was in Caritas for 168 blood pressure. We had lunch after the visit. She didn’t attend worship the next day.

On Sunday I joined leaders retreat on AI. It was so so and sleepy too. At least I got something off my chest with buddy.

December 31, 2019