Week 3.15 was a blessed week. On Monday I had time to bond with my sd, sh and sz sons. This is the second time my sd son Zac’s been to Hong Kong. I took them to Tung Chung for coffee, followed by buffet. They all loved it. Sh has to go to Shenzhen to renew his visa after lunch. I decided to eat at home, buying a fish to steam and making a soup. Sz son left nothing at the table.
Day two was back to work and see my acupuncturist. My two boys and I had breakfast at the club house before I led my last preaching class. Sd and sc joined coworkers for lunch, where Jim shockingly said to me in front of all, If you die, you won’t get to use it (money). To which I said, We’ll see whose high blood pressure is higher when succession comes next year. All my three boys were at the hospital with me when the doctor delivered the news that I will have to cancel my next week’s training overseas. For dinner we went to Pepper Steak, my first time.
On Wednesday I was left with Zac and I took him to delifrance for breakfast because of the yum cha crowd. Jay took him to lunch because too much time by himself at the library was not good for him. At night I took Zac to Mak noodles and Oz milk company plus dessert, a HK experience for him. It was valuable bonding time as he also massaged my head, took my readings and made medicine for me. I also joined my language meeting since hospital discharge.
On Thursday i managed to take Zac to yum cha. He loved it so much. We had a late lunch after I took him to farmers market. I had to juggle acupuncturist and supervisor meeting before my hand treatment. I managed to sneak in sermon preparation time.
Friday morning was surprisingly a normal day without acupuncturist or chiropractor. I had much to catch up with sermon next week. I was glad sc was returning and we took Zac to Yata for dinner. My two sons did their best at night to massage my stroke affected right leg.
Saturday morning was papa’s turn to cook breakfast for them and they loved it so much with English tea, poached eggs, fusion bread, farmers market avocado and other fruits. I passed. At noon I gave sz some language tutoring. Evening was fellowship and late dinner at Mun Wah. At night during head massage Zac asked if he could call me papa, i said of course.
Sunday was same breakfast again with smaller portions due the rushed time but the boys seemed hungry. I attended language worship and English worship but returned home to rest before we had a family reunion of some sort before Zac returned to sd. I bought all a vest. It was a fulfilling night for me in all my pride.
September 4, 2018
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