Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Year 3.8

Year 3.8 was a dream week. On Monday I kicked off with an opposing viewpoint leader who wanted to know how to decode coworkers’ thinking and direction, of which I tried to patiently explain to him. Overall the lunch went well. After lunch I went to see my chiro and for the first time the swelling in my arm went down after treatment. Praise God for it has been months of worry.

Day 2’s first summer preaching class started off well with seven students but it ended earlier at 11am. I noticed a coworker X was absent but it turned out he was working on his Sunday sermon. Night men’s fellowship was rescheduled till after summer.

Wednesday morning was core meeting that did not end till 330pm, so I skipped language meeting. There were a lot of issues to be discussed but it occupied a lot of my time. We need new blood for sure. At night I attended English fellowship in my coworker’s absence.

Day 4 I woke to a dream of Doris who was really mad at me for something wrong I did without recollection. I said, Wouldn’t I undo it if I could turn back the clock of time? She dashed outside but a ray of light enveloped her at night. It was so beautiful she cried, O my God. She had peace. I had friends from the old country to visit me at lunch. There was much to catch up with my former church especially on two friends who passed away. I had to finish up my Timothy survey for Sunday school, which I feel is a gem.

Friday morning was another dream of Doris. Despite her weakened condition, she decided to go eat at Tai Ko instead of moping at home. I suggested we pick up her sister to join us. The day was weird. I had diarrhea two week in a row. Doris’ sister did not come to fellowship, so I had big chicken dinner with B2.  I was relieved BJ student survived his first week of Greek despite a lingering headache.

Day 6 was department meeting but we had earlier lunch with division cochair for coworkers to share about their work. Night was bible study. I was thankful to have the time for a few nights of prayer walk.

Sunday was last 2 Timothy class. I truly like this dedicated group but I was late for class two weeks in a row, forgetting my keys after the bus departed. I also met my new fellowship leader for lunch. At night I survived World Cup madness by resting late noon.

July 17, 2018

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