Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Year 3.10

Year 3.10 is a big shocker. On Monday I was supposed to visit an Indonesian senior but I had to intervene between two feuding brothers who have not met for eight years. The older one is smart but the younger is sentimental so I empathized with latter. The worse is their mom was already in coma but I was glad they could agree on a solution after two hours deadlock.

Day two was preaching class which is on the right track. Two could not get out of bed. My two coworkers and I brainstormed a plan to get an intern in because we ran out of one this year and there are holes to fill in choir and sz work.

Wednesday leaders meeting started early to discuss declining attendance but the end was a shocker. One shoe fitted but one big shoe dropped and my headache spinned until Some said it may not be bad 唔一定係唔好. I spent some time sighing away.

Day four was a dream of giving Doris’ old boyfriend her phone, if that would make her happy. Lunch was with an old hand who gave input but nothing was solved. Dinner with neighbors was a good break to get my mind off things. I bought a cake to celebrate my upcoming anniversary with Doris.

Friday fellowship was family gathering so I joined relatives group. My new fellowship leader has agreed to do James for our next prestudy. I returned home for prayer walk, a luxury for the last few days.

Day six lunch was with two, after which it took him three hours to submit his visa before returning to have dinner with me. My coworker asked two to join us for dinner and gave a proposal. I trust my coworker much as we could use a person with music background and an intern.

Sunday was Macdonald breakfast for two. I prayed for an English couple both with pain related problems especially the latter who had a crash. At night one and mom came for dinner. Twos mom accepted Christ. We had prayer and sang 親眼看見你 with two playing his first song.

July 31, 2018

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Year 3.9

Year 3.9 ended with two Js return. On Monday I had lunch locally because my chiropractor session was canceled. Nevertheless I had drinks with buddy and neighbor. I met with Gao over dinner.He was ready for seminary trading but there was a lack of mandarin schools.

Day two was preaching class in the morning followed by preaching discussion after coworkers meeting. After the meeting I bumped into Some and told him wheels are falling off. Some promptly asked me to call for youth drinks. The person was not available. At night I wrote to worker two to calm things down.

On Wednesday I got Some last minute call for lunch to smooth things out and we heard how frustrating and helpless things are. Language meeting meanwhile was calm. Personnel issues were presented to our group out of the blue. Night leaders meeting ended at midnight so I slept at one.

Day 4 was disastrous. I hurt my back as my hand treatment was about to start, so I ended up being treated  for my back rather. I blame it on previous night meeting. I could not do prayer walk or sit comfortably, so I slept earlier.

On Friday I had lots of visitors. A USA friend shared with me about his Israel trip. At night I treated the shandong boys to dinner. The father was a former student and they were in Hk for the first time. My relatives did not attend fellowship so I left early because it had been a full day for me.

Day six I shopped for a skillet for One. At noon I led prestudy for buddy and then joined seniors shortly before I joined my boys for dinner. One was back from camp and another from bj. Two helped me carry skillet to One’s place. Two gave me a big hug upon seeing me knowing how long he’s gone and the headaches he experienced. One sweetly offered to cut my hair before Doris’ day tomorrow.

Sunday was two years two months without Doris. I still miss my Doris and her memories are still alive inside me. My worship was interrupted by a request to visit a dying friend at the hospital, which was arranged for tomorrow. Seafood dinner was with usual youth but included shandong brothers. All left after prayer by 1030.

July 24, 2018

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Year 3.8

Year 3.8 was a dream week. On Monday I kicked off with an opposing viewpoint leader who wanted to know how to decode coworkers’ thinking and direction, of which I tried to patiently explain to him. Overall the lunch went well. After lunch I went to see my chiro and for the first time the swelling in my arm went down after treatment. Praise God for it has been months of worry.

Day 2’s first summer preaching class started off well with seven students but it ended earlier at 11am. I noticed a coworker X was absent but it turned out he was working on his Sunday sermon. Night men’s fellowship was rescheduled till after summer.

Wednesday morning was core meeting that did not end till 330pm, so I skipped language meeting. There were a lot of issues to be discussed but it occupied a lot of my time. We need new blood for sure. At night I attended English fellowship in my coworker’s absence.

Day 4 I woke to a dream of Doris who was really mad at me for something wrong I did without recollection. I said, Wouldn’t I undo it if I could turn back the clock of time? She dashed outside but a ray of light enveloped her at night. It was so beautiful she cried, O my God. She had peace. I had friends from the old country to visit me at lunch. There was much to catch up with my former church especially on two friends who passed away. I had to finish up my Timothy survey for Sunday school, which I feel is a gem.

Friday morning was another dream of Doris. Despite her weakened condition, she decided to go eat at Tai Ko instead of moping at home. I suggested we pick up her sister to join us. The day was weird. I had diarrhea two week in a row. Doris’ sister did not come to fellowship, so I had big chicken dinner with B2.  I was relieved BJ student survived his first week of Greek despite a lingering headache.

Day 6 was department meeting but we had earlier lunch with division cochair for coworkers to share about their work. Night was bible study. I was thankful to have the time for a few nights of prayer walk.

Sunday was last 2 Timothy class. I truly like this dedicated group but I was late for class two weeks in a row, forgetting my keys after the bus departed. I also met my new fellowship leader for lunch. At night I survived World Cup madness by resting late noon.

July 17, 2018

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Year 3.7

Year 3.7 was a simmering week. Monday was a holiday, so I had breakfast with Doris’ sisters and youth. At noon I bought lilies and rested for one and a half hours before I decided night to go to the Mui’s for World Cup, Brazil versus Mexico. I reached home 1 pm on a tiring night.

Day 2 The lack of sleep caught up with me but I had to lead prayer meeting with my coworker R. The drama after lunch made everyone grouchy and touchy. Nevertheless I paid for drinks to celebrate buddy’s appointment to leadership.

On Wednesday I did not attend leaders meeting because I was running out of work time because I had to attend another prayer meeting after lunch. The language tensions did not let up. Buddy left for ten days vacation.

Day 4 I had coffee with a neighbor who is planning to interview for a job in Canada. A coworker told the sad news of her husband’s suspected nose cancer. After work I had foot treatment. I had prayer walk at night.

On Friday I had lunch with a lay leader R who was concerned for coworkers. Later I had such a headache with a disgruntled decision leader bent on reversal action. At night I had dinner with To and attended couples fellowship. My helpers came to watch World Cup with me.

Day 6 Adter a short club breakfast sz left. It was a sad day to lay to rest a coworker’s father. After that I celebrated youth Jeff’s birthday, followed by taking over buddy’s prestudy class. Night fellowship was big group where I heard a good testimony and left.

Sunday school was into second last week with overview next week left. Overall it was a most satisfying study. I attended English worship and then prayer meeting. At night I had some quiet time by myself.

July 10, 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Year 3.6

Year 3.6 was fast and furious. Twelve coworkers send our good friend Alan off at airport for his next challenge of ministering in Kingston, Canada. Many of us were very fond and proud of him, me too. Later I had a good chiro hour. At night four Pth interns graduated from ABS.

Day 2 was boisterous. Buddy took coworkers out for tea to celebrate his election into EC at 345 pm with an aided public announcement from the pastor. The atmosphere was so positive.

Wednesday was decision day turned awry for candidate. It will be felt for a long time. I dreamed 167 to 100 of passing. Leaders meeting had their input. Language meeting followed but I was so tired.

Day 4 lunch was with an editor. Book is set for December release. There was no time to waste because I had to work on my Sunday sermon. Meanwhile yesterday’s news reverberated. At evening I had foot treatment; everything is falling apart. This time he worked on my cold feet.

Friday fellowship was canceled due fifth Friday, which was a good thing because I had to attend a night memorial service. After the service we had dinner together. A coworker spouse asked me if I think of Doris at the same funeral home. Not much because it’s not same room but there were memories building.

Day 6 I finally activated my fruit phone for regular use after finding out there’s no way I could retrieve WhatsApp messages from my old phone. had to preach at night, when I received a very unfavorable feedback.

Sunday I preached the same sermon but the comments were very favorable. I had dinner with my English counterpart and a seminary student at TWW. The food and fellowship were great. I bought two pillows and a frying pan with hands to help me carry pan and pillows home.

July 3, 2018