Year 2.35 was a sad week because a friend's family member's life is in peril. On Monday I had lunch with USA friend and young fellowship friend at Moko. The location was near the flower store where I buy flowers for Doris. We also visited a friend's favorite coffee place Hay nearby. At night I had dinner with buddy and wife. I got the dinner because he's still nursing the ankle sprain.
Day 2 I woke up to a weird dream of my first church pastor in HK that was not meaningful except that the person has aged. The morning was at Chinese chiropractor where I was charged $700 for one hour 15 mins. I had to start translating my Bahasa sermon for coming Sunday.
Wednesday morning was breakfast with business man J. He is growing well in faith but I am no help in his ventures, except for basic principles. At noon was a shorter than usual but greatly improved language meeting. At night was leaders' meeting that ended earlier, thankfully reaching home by midnight.
Day 4 was hand massage day followed by 馬友組 dinner hosted by our village neighbor. After dinner we talked and strolled from 9pm.
Friday morning I had a talk with language coworker to see how things are going. At night we had an on time 交職禮 for once.
Saturday I almost messed up the time for an important Couples affair. All went well because I was in the premises for an earlier mweting and did not miss anything. At night I left early because there was no fellowship.
Sunday came with the news a runner I know had collapsed. I was sad because his wife is in our lunch group, so I decided to visit her at the hospital, along with some coworkers. I caught a last train 12:28am back on the red line and stopped a fight between two rowdy passengers. Too brave, I must add!
January 23, 2018
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