Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Year 2.36

Year 2.36 was as sad as it could get because of a friend's loss. Monday was lunch with two youths. I paid for lunch to teach them to pay it forward. After lunch I got a haircut for the 18th month of Doris' loss. Next was to meet up with a buddy to visit the husband of a friend whose life was in the balance at the hospital.

Day 2 I wanted to return to the hospital but there were too many visitors already. The day went by grievously for me with the man still in coma. At night I uploaded all my 2017 sermons online.

Wednesday morning  came with the news that the doctors had called the family in for latest news. I ended my morning breakfast when news broke that the collapsed runner could not make it. I cried a lot with the family and coworkers. The rest of the day was glum but I had language meeting and a chiropractor appointment.

The next day we had Thai lunch for USA intern who was leaving. I forgot about it and had to take a taxi. We had good fellowship.

Friday was a busy day. We had lunch with a previous staff, then met with Some, addressed another family's inheritance issue and then joined fellowship dinner with relatives.

Day 6 I had to attend late lunch with Peter T who knew me previously, unknown to me. They bought 20 disciple books to take home. At night I attended fellowship but had dinner with USA intern.

Sunday was a sad day for me at leaders retreat where I cried my heart out for Remy, Doris And Kevin.

January 30, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Year 2.35

Year 2.35 was a sad week because a friend's family member's life is in peril. On Monday I had lunch with USA friend and young fellowship friend at Moko. The location was near the  flower store where I buy flowers for Doris. We also visited a friend's favorite coffee place Hay nearby. At night I had dinner with buddy and wife. I got the dinner because he's still nursing the ankle sprain.

Day 2 I woke up to a weird dream of my first church pastor in HK that was not meaningful except that the person has aged. The morning was at Chinese chiropractor where I was charged $700 for one hour 15 mins. I had to start translating my Bahasa sermon for coming Sunday.

Wednesday morning was breakfast with business man J. He is growing well in faith but I am no help in his ventures, except for basic principles. At noon was a shorter than usual but greatly improved language meeting. At night was leaders' meeting that ended earlier, thankfully reaching home by midnight.

Day 4 was hand massage day followed by 馬友組 dinner hosted by our village neighbor. After dinner we talked and strolled from 9pm.

Friday morning I had a talk with language coworker to see how things are going. At night we had an on time 交職禮 for once.

Saturday I almost messed up the time for an important Couples affair. All went well because I was in the premises for an earlier mweting and did not miss anything. At night I left early because there was no fellowship.

Sunday came with the news a runner I know had collapsed. I was sad because his wife is in our lunch group, so I decided to visit her at the hospital, along with some coworkers. I caught a last train 12:28am back on the red line and stopped a fight between two rowdy passengers. Too brave, I must add!

January 23, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Year 2.34

Year 2.34 was mostly stable. On Monday I took two young adults out for lunch but it was drizzling. A friend from SF failed to show up for a three people dinner, so I cancelled to get more rest. At the office Buddy sprained his ankle badly and the next day the doctor said he had fractured his leg.

Day 2 morning was spent at the Chinese chiropractor. His client was late, so he worked two hours on me for a hefty $1200 bill, plus another $240 for medication! The jump the last two weeks was from $300 to $600 and then to$1200!

Wednesday group leaders irked me. Some said nobody covered me to volunteer and pound said I can let go. Late noon was language meeting. As usual my role was to solve problems, so far so good in airing things out. At night I did a wedding rehearsal but things were whacky because the groom got the time wrong.

Day 4 morning was breakfast with USA friend who was a badminton enthusiast. I rushed to get lunch for buddy with two coworkers, buying lunch for him and wife. We stayed till 4pm. At night I had impromptu hotpot dinner at home with guest Benny and USA friend.

On Friday i took over buddy's sermon group as he was resting his feet at home. All were glad to be dismissed half an hour later. At night after dinner with in-law I returned home tired, skipping fellowship.

Day 6 was department lunch and meeting. All went well under new leadership, which I am pleased. At noon buddy asked if I could do benediction for him since the two pastors were sick. At night I received news of disciplinary problems to deal with the next day.

The next day's first Sunday school got off to a roaring start. The students were excited, but they moan knowing there's no apple app for 文法聖經. The English sermon response was good. The discipline meeting was ok. At night we had dinner with a coworker's wife who returned from USA cancer treatment.

Thank you Jesus.

January 16, 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Year 2.33

Year 2.32 was a joyous yet moving week. On Monday morning I attended church's early morning worship where I was touched singing the last song. I had mostly recovered but still missed Doris in the new year.

Day 2 After work on new year  I rested in the morning. My sermon on Philipians 1 was coming and I had to make progress because core meetings and responsibilities slowed all my work down.

Wednesday morning I went to see a Chinese chiropractor. At noon there was a lot of wear and tear solving and separating two opposing  forces, but there is hope and progress. At night I attended an English meeting presentation.

Day 4 I woke up to a dream of Doris who wanted to look for a job somewhere else. Not much had changed with her. On my part in the dream I was trying to coordinate everything, including chores and where to meet. Thursday lunch was with American friend who played badminton at church.

On Friday fellowship returned and I attended the big group opening. The biggest thing tjat night was getting ready to debut文法聖經 on play store at midnight but the first download was seven minutes before the next day. I was emotional thinking of her.

Day 6 was budget vetting followed by lunch with attendees. At night was fellowship and I was sentimental too. Saturday was Doris' birthday too, so shedding tears was inevitable.

Sunday's Philipians 1 sermon was unexpectedly powerful, as powerful as Ecclesiastes 1. Two wanted the ppt. It was emotional twice overas my mentee preached an excellent message earlier, probably his last here. At night I joined an American friend for dinner.

January 9, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Year 2.32

Year 2.32 ended year 2017. Monday was Christmas day. I invited four youth fellowship members to lunch at Tsing Yi, then walked the outdoors before ending with drinks at McDonald's from noon till 4pm. It was enough to sleep soundly the moment I got home.

Day 2 began with coffee at Tung Chung before visiting with a nearby coworker a former deacon at hospital. The patient had pneumonia but was in high spirits. At night Some had dinner with me and two coworkers.

On Wednesday I had a dream of taking the fall and bearing the brunt for our group since I am single now, but a sense of injustice seeped in later, not sure if others would advocate for me. Later I realized I do not have to volunteer because another leader is single too. I listened to an intern's sermon before I attended a language meeting.

Day 4 My regular hand treatment was canceled because of holidays so I was worried because my right thumb hurt. I decided to go the Thai restaurant nearby since the office was quiet after the holidays. At night I finished my last major corrections for 文法聖經。

 Friday's night fellowship was canceled, so I went to office earlier to work on next week's sermon, hoping to finish off the stubborn last point. At home I started to do some cleaning before the day was over because most of my writing can wait since theapp is done. Surprisingly Some sent a recommendation for my book.

Day 6 I went to a Chinese doctor to see why my thumb upper section is hurting and they told me I have long short hand, and so they twisted me like a chiropractor. At least I don't hurt anymore in the thumb but my elbow was sore. At night I went with Doris' Kingston friends for dinner and pictures. My mentor sent a beautiful recommendation for my new book.

Sunday was extremely busy because of a langauge party. After I went home a brother bought me fruits that I gave half generously away. Sunday was lots of cleaning and disposing on new year's eve and I slept earlier for next days 7am new year service.

Here are the year's highlights:
January New year dinners with friends
February high blood pressure diagnosis
March partial recovery
April 求祢使我痊愈 published
May Shanghai memory trip
June introduced candidate to Rev Lo
July first putonghua typhoon broad last
August Sam concert, new glasses and phone
September Kings book finished
October recovery
November Israel trip
December 文法聖經debut

January 2, 2018