Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Year 2.18

Year 2.18 was back to normal after a frenzy of church activities. On Monday our prayer group had lunch at Prince Edward, near where I can buy flowers for Doris. We spent some time in prayer after lunch. They mercilessly tasked me for gladly taking up leadership despite my verbal resistance. I bought some nice white Kenyan roses for Doris, sturdier than the Kunming roses last week. There was no hurry to return home to swim now that the indoor pool is closed.

Day 2 I had breakfast with Andy to help him with his Sunday sermon to preach at home in front of former USA friends. He will be good in a year's time. At night I had dinner with a new friend at langham and had coffee later to talk about ministry.

On Wednesday I began working on the only sermon left for me the rest of the year, Micah 6:8. It was a task I savor but I was getting nowhere the next three days. Now I know why others' effort at this passage was less than inspiring.

Day 4 I have a half day off  
to finish up on the last of the Kings series and sent it to the editor who says he will reply next month.   My barber buddy is out of town, so I opted to get a $60 mall cut but they would only give me 0.8 mm cut, not bald!

There was no Friday joint fellowship, so I joined a friend for dinner. The day was quite relaxing for a change with more checking on the editing done on my Lent series. Praise God for helpers and their tireless effort.

Day 6 An economic refugee told me his story before entering Hong Kong. I encouraged him to write his story. Today was such a hot day that even the cooling system inside MTR is hot! We had a big group introduction on Psalms for fellowship.

On Sunday afternoon I helped pth fellowship kicked off their first prestudy on Psalms, the first. It was a good study with application from Doris left in her computer. In the evening a coworker sent a song不變的應許 his praise team sang that I can't help but cry listening.
原來哭有時 歡笑有時
更讓我看到 祢的信實
學會保留有時 放手有時
我選擇相信 祢美好不變的應許

September 26, 2017

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