From Victor
We arrived in Hong Kong on August 18th 2008. This truly is turning a new leaf in our lives. Hong Kong is a fast-pace, hustling and crowded city. After some adjustment I am keeping pace!
I am pleasantly surprised and very thankful at how quickly I have adjusted to full-time teaching and how responsive the students were to my Bible classes. Last quarter I taught Expository Preaching, Practical Greek and Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther. While my major is in Bible Exposition, I have never taught a Bible class previously. After all, I was in the pastoral ministry for 20 years and the adjunct courses I had taught at Logos Seminary before were mainly in preaching.
After enjoying a honeymoon period at church (and seminary), I will take up more responsibility in the coming year. So far I have agreed to preach nearly once a month in English at North Point Alliance and teach Sunday school at Yan Fook Evangelical Free. More is coming, since churches here have a tradition of inviting outside speakers. Most pastors speak twice a month in their churches, thrice at most. I will also be traveling to Taiwan in March to teach an intensive class at Logos Taiwan campus.
Of course there are still many unknowns - I am not sure how my knees will hold up since my exercises are now restricted to the ground – no swimming at all. Both my English and Mandarin have somewhat deteriorated. I miss all my friends and my usual routine in U.S. Nevertheless, I trust that the Lord will guide step by step. His grace is sufficient!
From Doris
A few days ago we celebrated the beginning of our 5th month in Hong Kong! We are very thankful for all your prayers and words of encouragement. I finished my first semester at the University of Macau, working with my colleagues to develop a new clinical psychology program. After 8 years at Azusa Pacific University, it is a special treat teaching Chinese students! Letting go of the past and starting new things from “scratch” is at times difficult. However, I am thankful for all these learning and growing opportunities that draw me to the Lord.
Churches in Macao are quite different. Many of the leaders are missionaries from overseas and Hong Kong, with few originating from local. I am observing and understanding the local culture. Most weekends I travel back to Hong Kong. There are lots of opportunities to serve in the area. I am still seeking the Lord’s guidance regarding church ministries, desiring to focus only on things He wants us to do.
Let’s continue to remember one another in prayer. His blessings are wonderful, may we be filled with His presence richly in 2009!
In His love, Victor & Doris
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