Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Year 5.44 was a slow and uneventful week for me. On Monday I had lunch with buddy and a friendly deacon, who kindly advised me not to be too sharp with my choice of words! Ouch! R, P and I treated the Laus for lunch at OMA. Church life would be less honest without them.

On Day two I said our outsourced live worship has been handicapped for a year, which I repeated to leaders. Most coworkers agreed. Things should not be as is.

On Wednesday our leaders meeting ended past midnight, eventually passing her new plans, of which I abstained. There are more pressing matters locally to address, but it nevertheless passed..

Day four was recovery from the marathon meeting. Glad it was an online meeting. I couldn’t do much at the office so I took compensation to work on my own stuff.

On Friday I did the observations for revelation 3 that at least thrilled me. Don’t know what kind of church we are or become in crises in comparison with the seven churches in Rev 2 and 3.

Day six was a dreadful morning devotion. Later we met with pianist K for lunch sprinkling my favorite J in my conversations. M again messed up, this time with a dance routine that caused a person to leave the group.

Sunday was special because my buddy finally made a breakthrough using grammar bible that powered his Hab 2 sermon perfectly, helping him to walk the plank skillfully. I was so proud. XB concurred!

March 23, 2021

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