Year 5.13 was a good week remembering Doris. On Monday I returned to office and did some writing. At night I went to the Laus for my belated birthday dinner and got three masks in return!
Day two was an early coworkers meeting when buddy shared. At night I decided to reduce my meds to half because of my swollen feet. Typhoon Higos swept in at 10pm while most people were thankfully at home.
On Wednesday Higos left at 11am giving me enough time for lunch with Chris. He’s a dear brother who offered to do subtitles this week. At night we had deacons and our youth prayer groups divided to guys and gals group for the first time nicely.
Day four was a quiet day but no matter what I forced myself to finish up Ruth 1 for Sunday school. Buddy surprisingly came to office and we had yum cha together.
On Friday I began the first of fifteen weeks intern talk with a coworker. After that I bought flowers and cut my hair to remember Doris loss.
Day six was four years and three months after Doris’ loss. It was a day I turned grief to work when I texted all the first four months of Doris’ blog. Praise team was at late noon.
Sunday was a busy day as the praise team sang shakily to a few songs. I talked to a new intern to see what’s the future like for the person. At night student and I had dinner. I taught him a bit on how to read notes, even though I’m hardly an expert.
August 25, 2020