Friday, August 28, 2020

Year 5.13

 Year 5.13 was a good week remembering Doris. On Monday I returned to office and did some writing. At night I went to the Laus for my belated birthday dinner and got three masks in return!

Day two was an early coworkers meeting when buddy shared. At night I decided to reduce my meds to half because of my swollen feet. Typhoon Higos swept in at 10pm while most people were thankfully at home.

On Wednesday Higos left at 11am giving me enough time for lunch with Chris. He’s a dear brother who offered to do subtitles this week. At night we had deacons and our youth prayer groups divided to guys and gals group for the first time nicely.

Day four was a quiet day but no matter what I forced myself to finish up Ruth 1 for Sunday school. Buddy surprisingly came to office and we had yum cha together.

On Friday I began the first of fifteen weeks intern talk with a coworker. After that I bought flowers and cut my hair to remember Doris loss.

Day six was four years and three months after Doris’ loss. It was a day I turned grief to work when I texted all the first four months of Doris’ blog. Praise team was at late noon.

Sunday was a busy day as the praise team sang shakily to a few songs. I talked to a new intern to see what’s the future like for the person. At night student and I had dinner. I taught him a bit on how to read notes, even though I’m hardly an expert.

August 25, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Year 5.12

 Year 5.12 was my 000000 birthday.  On Monday I was working hard on the English translation for my marketplace series questions. My goal is to work on two chapters a day.

Day two I woke up thinking of Dors and loved one(s). It’s a challenge to live with one’s head held high nowadays but harder by oneself, yet I know I cannot complain because the Lord has given me strength for the journey. I prayed with tears for HK after last night’s 🍎 raid.

Wednesday was leaders zoom meeting where I announce my thanksgiving for this weekend. Immediately I got lots of treat even though it’s to testify to the Lord. I asked Q if he really believed in his sympathy for enforcement. The youth had a zoom birthday for me.

Day four was half day and my chiropractor appointment was canceled because I was the only patient. A few of us were in church and had lunch together despite the virus.

On Friday I visited my chiropractor and had a seminary zoom meeting. I have finished my next sermon for our church transition.

Day six was English zoom meeting, followed by X yum cha where I did a lot of follow up on the new pastor. It’s not easy in a color minded ministry and society for new ministers.

Sunday birthday lunch was with coworkers and night was with single youth. All wanted to join so I agreed to zoom because they made a great video for me. I really had an awesome year in an awful year.

August 18, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Year 5.11

Year 5.11 was a full week of revivals. On Monday I woke up late, ate my lunch and later went to office when it was less crowded to do some work and had dinner before 6pm.

Day two was a hectic day getting ready for church retirement message (not mine). I chose Acts 20 and revised an old message. It’s not as exciting as it seems. Revival asked me where I got 大樹菠蘿 picture and we made contact after a long absence.

Wednesday morning was leaders prayer meeting and it was an appropriate use of our time rather than just moaning and groaning.

Day four was a breakthrough as I could finally finished up the retirement message with newer illustrations. I was so tired I slept three times but at least I didn’t get sick.

Friday brunch was with English coworker and we sure talked a long time. Praise God my back held up even though we sat for more than one and a half hours at the restaurant!

Day six was a wonderful praise practice and dinner after. The young guys are surely growing up. They sure have their fans!

Sunday was a wonderful day even though live worship was rattled. We had lunch and dessert later, then head home to rest and listen to revival’s second last night.

August 11, 2020

Friday, August 7, 2020

Year 5.10

 Year 5.10 was a slower week but dinner in HK was finally restored on Friday. On Monday I returned to church after lunch and did some writing.

Day two was zoom meeting and buddy finally came to church to chair coworkers meeting and we had four-person lunch for the last time for a long time.

On Wednesday EC and ICC were rested, the latter a victim of the two-person limit. I try to do a point a day for my sermons.

Day four surpringly saw the return of department workers and two of us had a drink at the garage.He has a lot of work on his mind.

On Friday I went to see my chiropractor who canceled yesterday. Night was anniversary dinner with student. Two recorded a song Previous Lord, which I sent out today.

Day six was a slow day but I did my best to keep up. Revival meetings started and I’m trying my best to keep up. There was no music practice to shelter older ladies from virus danger.


Sunday morning was with English worship fully for a change because I did not have to do pth worship Lord’s Supper. Youth has tension even over a politics history talk.

August 4, 2020

Monday, August 3, 2020

Year 5.9

Year 5.9 is a big relief for me because I don’t get to preach and get a break for at least a month. Monday was a big trip to church to drop off some things.

Day two was almost deserted at the office but for a few of us die hards. We had zoom meeting and I had to start translating my Sunday message in Habakkuk 3. I got my haircut to remember Doris tomorrow.

Wednesday was the monthly anniversary of Doris’ loss and we got ready the video of her third month of blogging. We have a morning leaders meeting and I advocated for live worship again. I’m used to eating out on my own now.

Day four was spent on fine tuning my sermon. My chiropractor had canceled because I was the only customer! 

Friday morning was department meeting and we had to work on some worship problems. The rest of the day was more or less the same but this time finishing up my sermon.

Day six we had a language meeting and noon we had praise team practice because our guest team disappeared again! We had great zoom birthday for beloved v.

Sunday was big sermon day. I was so proud to complete my Habakkuk sermon series! I had a talk with two Keiths before I bought flowers for Doris. Student cooked dinner.

July 28, 2020