Year 3.22 was a tiring week. Monday was an extra half day of meeting for agm, but we did not accomplish much. Thankfully I had already bought flowers yesterday, knowing my schedule today. I still managed to see my chiropractor, who said I can see him less from now on due my improvement.
Day two was an appointment with a specialist to check my “bubble,” but buddy was hospitalized, so two stayed devotedly by me. At night six attended men’s fellowship study in Jeremiah 20. It’s been two months since my stroke that I have not written a thing on my own time.
On Wednesday we visited buddy who had intestinal infection instead of something worse. He treated us for lunch before we headed our own ways. At night I caught the midnight bus back to the island after the leaders meeting.
On Day four I had a chiropractor appointment before lunch with Paul Li an old friend of 25 years ago. We both agreed there is not much talent in the ministry pool. Praise God two publishers tell me in the last two days my book will be released by the end of the year, one on 職場 and one on the forty days from Lent to Easter.
There is no time to lose on Friday. My James 1 sermon is due on Sunday and there is much ground to cover. Besides I have a morning department meeting. I attended fellowship with relative but left early due the stuffy room.
On day six I had lunch with Ronald Chung another friend of twenty mores years from USA but deeper still. At night fellowship two songs deeply touched me as I remembered Doris: 奔跑不放棄 你坐著為王
Sunday was long. Sunday school was followed by sermon, then agm and China talk and deacons meeting. Most attendees did not notice we have a plan but not a person in plan. I was glad two recovered to take the trip to BJ. My anxious prayers followed for the few weeks ahead.
October 16, 2018
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