Sunday, October 8, 2017

Year 2.20

Year 2.20 was written earlier by two days because of my mission trip to today. Monday was   a public holiday for China National Holiday. I conducted a Bible camp讀經營 for Yuen Long Bread of Life. They were very enthusiastic, ordering 33 Grammar Bibles. At night I treated the Goks and Moks for Vietnamese dinner. At night I found an endearing prayer from Doris found in her college journal:

Day 2 I was supposed to join two coworkers for dinner but my neighbor's wife had kidney infection and was hospitalized, so we cancelled dinner plans because I was the most suitable and nearest helper to care for the kids with mom hospitalized, but my coworkers brought food and joined us for dinner at neighbors home with me babysitting for one short night.

Wednesday was the eve of midautumn festival. My buddy Cheng and his friends Kwan invited me for dinner at a Hakka restaurant in Ta Wai, and dessert after dinner. Their two kids have completed lesson one of their marital counseling sessions. Cheng suffered from bad teeth problems.

Day 4 was lunch and dinner with Chicago friend. Unfortunately we ordered the previous day ticket that expired. At night I joined family for dinner and moon cakes. Today was a special day because my last sermon in Lent series was translated by Seven.

Friday was pth staff meeting. After staff meeting I met my predecessor who was back from USA. We had lots to talk about. Later I prayed with my buddies telling my anxiety about my trip. At night I had dinner with Faith and husband before  attending couples fellowship.

Saturday morning was the worst hand treatment so far. I had lunch with a couples staff after I handed the 33 books to yuen long coworkers. Prestudy was good. USA friend Kenneth and Chang took me out for tea, then a buddy called me for McDonald's before I attended pth fellowship.

Sunday morning was Social concern day. An old song展开清晨的翅膀 from Ps 139 touched me deeply, and I was a little teary-eyed. As I depart on my trip I decided that I might as well eat at airport McDonald's before eating unhealthy local food on the next three days. I suspect my flight would be delayed and there would be tension at the customs office there. I need your prayers to calm my anxiety after four years of missions absence.

Oct 8, 2017

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