Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Year 2.18

Year 2.18 was back to normal after a frenzy of church activities. On Monday our prayer group had lunch at Prince Edward, near where I can buy flowers for Doris. We spent some time in prayer after lunch. They mercilessly tasked me for gladly taking up leadership despite my verbal resistance. I bought some nice white Kenyan roses for Doris, sturdier than the Kunming roses last week. There was no hurry to return home to swim now that the indoor pool is closed.

Day 2 I had breakfast with Andy to help him with his Sunday sermon to preach at home in front of former USA friends. He will be good in a year's time. At night I had dinner with a new friend at langham and had coffee later to talk about ministry.

On Wednesday I began working on the only sermon left for me the rest of the year, Micah 6:8. It was a task I savor but I was getting nowhere the next three days. Now I know why others' effort at this passage was less than inspiring.

Day 4 I have a half day off  
to finish up on the last of the Kings series and sent it to the editor who says he will reply next month.   My barber buddy is out of town, so I opted to get a $60 mall cut but they would only give me 0.8 mm cut, not bald!

There was no Friday joint fellowship, so I joined a friend for dinner. The day was quite relaxing for a change with more checking on the editing done on my Lent series. Praise God for helpers and their tireless effort.

Day 6 An economic refugee told me his story before entering Hong Kong. I encouraged him to write his story. Today was such a hot day that even the cooling system inside MTR is hot! We had a big group introduction on Psalms for fellowship.

On Sunday afternoon I helped pth fellowship kicked off their first prestudy on Psalms, the first. It was a good study with application from Doris left in her computer. In the evening a coworker sent a song不變的應許 his praise team sang that I can't help but cry listening.
原來哭有時 歡笑有時
更讓我看到 祢的信實
學會保留有時 放手有時
我選擇相信 祢美好不變的應許

September 26, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Year 2.17

Year 2.17 ended with nostalgia for Doris. On Monday I had lunch with leader D and wife lending support to him in his year old position. He is a confident, positive and caring person. The lunch at Lion was good. I can't wait to take coworkers there. I bought ten kunming roses for Doris, but they do not look sprightly.

Day 2 I received a big surprise. A manuscript I had sent two years ago for editing before Doris' loss arrived in the box. An editor had previously asked if I have written anything on  Kings or Chronicles because there is a lack of materials on that historical period. I  patched together 18 chapters but did not think much about it because it was not a priority for publisher or me. Even so two years is a long time but I am not fussy. Rather I am thankful I have three unpublished books with Doris in stock. In the morning I read a coworkers sermon and at night had men's fellowship, which had dropped in attendance now that school has started.

On Wednesday I received a positive reply from the book editor regarding copyright that galvanized me to work: 不同作者不同合作也有不同的, 而一些有年期一些冇年期. At this time in my life I want to free the books, not freeze it.

Day 4 After checking with the editor the previous day I worked on my morning off today and after work on the book till 1am checking minor odds and ends. It is a beauty, no doubt. My place was to finish it in two days.

On Friday I met with good USA friend Michael for lunch. Poor guy, he lost weight. Later I was so excited that I have finished working on the content part of the book with the morning off due noon work today. Also I checked on another coworkers sermon due this Sunday. Near evening I quickly send off the book to attend anniversary night celebrations.

Day 6 it was a busy day. Fellowship prestudy group had lunch followed by two hours of preparation and another hour of  fellowship study. Another good friend from USA came by for dinner, this time eating teochew hand having coffee and even buying clothes. I was pampered for a change and longed for old friends.

Sunday started on the right track. My coworker preached an outstanding sermon. AGM was an emotional affair for me. I could only think of Doris in my tearful outburst with the song 恩典够用 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vYiodNJcFN4
at AGM. I also remember how proud and delighted Doris was of our coworkers the one year she attended when I was out of town.

September 19, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Year 2.16

Year 2.16 was filled with activities. On Monday I woke up at 840am, later than I have done for a long time. The ordination the night before took a lot more from me than I expected. At lunch I met up with Luen and Wallace at Kwai Fong S Life and had dessert at McDonald's. At night I had dinner with a new friend from USA and his wife. After dinner I remembered to go to the gym at night.

Day 2 was better but I still woke at 650am, later than my usual 630am. After my coworkers ordination I felt fresh the first day at work, as if a whole chapter has begun for me.

Wednesday was leaders meeting where a new division is approved probably with my involvement. I will think about what to do if and when it comes. My buddies attended with me.

Day 4 I have moved my hand treatment from Saturday morning to Thursday 5pm to accommodate the brother who does it. A pastor friend called me late at night. He was persuaded to leave his post (assistant department leader) to take a similar role in a new department. I encouraged him to leave but to retain his option to pick up or not his new responsibility.

On Friday the friend stated his position. Following my lead he asked for the opportunity to lead new branch in the future and his wife to join as staff. Miraculously his request was heeded. I also listened to a new coworkers message and realized I got to start afresh with new workers. One ordained but many more yet to work on, so no rest for me.

Day 6 My work day began with lunch for six people and department meeting. After the meeting ended another department rep brainstormed with me how to restructure his new work. It was a very good day for me as the pth fellowship completed the last 24th chapter of the book同作門徒. All have nothing but compliments for the book. At night my village neighbor treated my tennis elbow two days in a row.

Sunday was a tiring day with HK prayer and house gathering till 10pm. The host sang some opera songs for us and we join in for the few songs we know. I used Doris' tote bag to carry a T-shirt I can change to before heading to the family's house for the gathering.

September 12, 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Year 2.15

Year 2.15 was bittersweet week. On Monday I met an old denomination friend and his wife for lunch. He suffered from cancer and has lost weight but thankfully he has years to live because the cancer is not an aggressive one. On my bus I heard a boy and his father bargain for an ocean park ticket in exchange for good grades and taking care of younger brother.

Day 2 was coworkers family day and I was assigned to yuen Long and we had a blast sharing till 5pm. At night I had dinner with Malaysian traveller and asked him to share gospel with my brother. At night I slept well for the first time this summer without turning on the AC unit.

On Wednesday night a bunch of us had dinner with our coworker T who returned from. USA. His wife will return later, resting from a successful cancer treatment. The dinner and dessert lasted three and a half hours. None wanted, but had to leave.

Day 4 I woke to a dream of a coworker informing me to beware of a leader who's been mocking my crying, very strange. On my morning day off I finally finished the whole forty chapter series book on Lent, of which I am very thankful I could complete what Doris had started. At the end of the day I got together with my neighbor family for dinner. The new school year begins for one of their two boys.

On Friday noon a USA classmate came by for a lunch visit. He is no longer in the pastoral ministry but goes to missions three times a year. I wish he could do both but he does not have heart for church ministry anymore.

Day 6 was a busy day with two fellowships. The prestudy was pleasant and relaxing. The night fellowship had sports, but I stayed for dinner with two members after taking a short nap. I also had to prepare a song for them the last minute for the ordination tomorrow.

My Sunday sermon was well received. I had to rest before the ordination, later the reception and then the dinner. At both dinner and reception I joined in singing. Finally my coworker Bon's ordination speech thanking me brought tears of joy to my heart as I  thought of Doris.我多謝給我机會發夢的葉福成牧师 因為他對我的信任 對我的教導 冇放棄 我不可以忘記 雖然好多人知道他過得不容易 但他在事奉上的坚持給我 返到教會再發夢 再多謝葉牧师.

Sept 4, 2017