Year 2.4 ends with the first anniversary of Doris' memorial service, June 18. The week couldn't get off to a better start when I added more writing to John 14:1-3, a sermon for my Lent series that I did previously. I was invited for lunch by Doris' former classmate and his wife at East TST, to a very fancy restaurant HKH. They really gave me the royal attention, I am humbled. Dinner at night with a coworker's family was cancelled due the typhoon warning. I am glad I finished a prayer for relatives at work three weeks later:
May the Lord
Gain your trust
Grant you grace
Grow your wisdom
Grab your attention
Galvanize your faith
Guide your intellect
Get your confidence
Guard your emotions
Groom your potential
Gladden your motivation
Give you favor to glorify His name!
Day 2 I forgot to go work later at noon instead of morning because we have Men's Fellowship at night. At noon a new language division was proposed and all eyes were on me. The night study on Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac was good because all was involved. A Malaysian visitor joined us, 11 altogether, including 4 for dinner. The study on Men in the Bible has book potential.
On Wednesday I woke up to a full-blown acne that surfaced the night before, probably from too much chilli and thinking of the new division. Work on Judges 7 Gideon was barely creeping along, but my prayer group had a good time after two weeks' break At night I listened with pleasure to Philemon Choi, who shared his mentoring experience.
Day 4 was a big let down because I was asked to consider taking the division assistant job instead of the head, so I declined. The work is too much and I had no control, so it does not help to reap suffering. It was a wake-up call for me that leadership is not what it seemed and not my cup of tea. It's an answer to prayer for me not to be attracted to leadership. I am more than content with my present work.
On Friday I woke up crying dreaming of Doris. For the first time I dream of her suffering from cancer, remaining still in a standing position, but we were not at home. I went over and hugged her, but the emotional pain was too much for me, so I could only cry. When I looked at the clock it was barely one hour into my sleep. Praise God I could continue sleeping. The negative but official ruling on a long running saga arrived before lunch and put a damper on all, putting office transition plans revealed two days ago in doubt and chaos, not withstanding our anniversary celebration. Later a friend Justin came by to visit and we had a good time sharing.
Day 6 couldn't be any busier. I did two hours of writing Bible study questions with two zone leaders, then led 30 prestudy leaders for an hour, returned to office to talk to my coworker for an hour, hurried to fellowship for two hours, had dinner with five others after fellowship before returning to catch a buddy's sermon near the end.
Sunday arrived with a touching song 宣教的中國 and an inspiring message by 龍醫 followed by a somber announcement of the ruling. A buddy asked me to join him for lunch. We shared a lot and was surprised by a diner who called my name. Again the same young man at church gave me dessert. Father's Day dinner was with Doris' brother in law. The trip was 1 hour 20 minutes door to door, which was how long it took Doris' sisters to travel at least two times a week to care for her when she was sick, what sacrificial love! Returning home with two hours more before bed, I managed to finish the John 14:1-3 The Third Person of the Trinity sermon for Lent:
1. The Spirit is Our Close Companion (v 1)
2. The Holy Spirit is Our Command Center (v 2)
3. The Holy Spirit is Our Choice Comfort (v 3)
Finally I thank and praise God for giving me a poignant and passionate dream of Doris on Friday, two days before anniversary of her Memorial Service.
June 19, 2017
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