Year 2.3 was a fair week for me. Monday lunch appointment was a waste because I was earlier by a week and it was not due till next week, so I ate two buns from a fast food 包點, very good for the money's worth, less than ten dollars each. After swimming I met a pth friend for high tea, followed by a seminarian's graduation, the only person I interviewed to recommend for school. I arrived home near midnight with late supper included.
Day 2 we had the shortest meeting meeting for 1 Thess 4:1-7, ending in half hour. Noon staff meeting was a dud, but I was invited by the chair to a drink, which means work. I was again asked to lead a new language department, a subject previously broached that I resisted. My answer now is, up to leadership. I have no preference nor do I want to choose. My immediate task is to find two English speaking coworkers. After work I took home flowers from mother's fellowship that I requested a year later. I missed the flowers that reminded me of Doris and the kindness of others. This time, lilies were added due Doris' fondness for it.
On Wednesday I can only remember working on Gideon's story from Judges 7 for men's fellowship. The sermon preparation has not been going smoothly. The hot weather that started this week definitely induces sleep.
Day 4 was a hot morning, so I decided to have breakfast in local café rather than have bread at home. I was comforted by the thought of Doris not having to endure last year's summer.
On Friday morning I decided to return to office to escape the heat even though I worked from noon on. Staff was surprised to see me working on my PC in the lobby. I enjoyed doing so before Doris' loss but shied away for a long time. I received soup that I requested, again a year later. I was delighted it was served in the same blue flask.
Day 6 morning I asked masseur to treat my right leg as well now that the hand is better. The treatment on my left leg last week worked; my right knee, however, is still vulnerable from the air-conditioning chill. The person placed his elbow on the underside of my knees to separate the right veins and muscles. At lunch I got together with the new staff of couples fellowship, which we had two. We shared about our roles, how we can and should work and blend together. Coworker conflict can scar all. A song 尋求神的臉, sung in pth inspired me at pth fellowship. After fellowship I had a drink with a couple; one of them was invited to join leadership.
On Sunday morning I had a good high blood pressure reading of 130/87. I was emotional near end of song我知道我的救贖者活著. The same happened at noon prayer with the husband of soup giver present. A young man gave me homemade drink 羅漢果, so I was thankful, inviting a co-worker to drink with me at lunch. At night I had dinner with a visitor from Malaysia.
June 13, 2017
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