Week fifty means less than two weeks to the anniversary of Doris' loss, but it has been a dream week as well as a down week. On Labor Day I was happy as a lark finishing a new sermon - Jesus riding a donkey - for my Lent series. At night I visited a brother at hospital. There were tears in my eyes before the visit because it was my first time back at the hospital where Doris had the most treatment. I was glad for the visit because I got to know the person better.
Day 2 I had breakfast with an upcoming seminary graduate to see if the person is interested to serve in the same church. I had to hurry to attend a sermon group to discuss our next worship Sunday text of John 4, the Samaritan text. I fell in love with the passage doing my own study the previous week. After our coworkers meeting I was told that I would be recommend to take up a new work, but that got me worried and troubled for the rest of the week. At night I had dinner with a coworker and we, including his wife, walked around the island twice to talk about ministry.
Wednesday was a public holiday, Buddha's birthday. I went to Prince Edward for lunch at Tiffany, then walked Fa Yuen Street and finally bought orchids for Doris, my first time buying orchids for her.
Day 4 is back to work again. I worked half a day but I had to meet a person for lunch. He had regarded me as his teacher but I am no business guru, so I told him the story of Isaac who retreated digging wells until nobody quarrelled with him because what mattered to him was God's appearance in his life before the strive with Philistines began. By God's grace, I managed to finish translating my Sunday sermon on the Great Commission, which did not energize me since it was an old passage, but I had no takers for the sermon date.
On Friday I had a sweet dream of attending a wedding with Doris at an old but long American apartment. We even stayed overnight before the wedding. Sometimes we hear people knock at the wood from the outside. Doris said Hi to an ABC bridesmaid she knew. I took the 8am bus to rush to wan chai to collect Doris' probate documents, then deposit them to internal revenue before I returned to office for a department meeting and later department lunch with a previous coworker. At night I delivered 94 of our new books to Couples fellowship.
Day 6 I woke up to another dream of Doris but for the first time she was cancerous in my dream. Other details were blur my predecessor was there, my passport was confiscated and the apartment doors were locked, so were my notes. I had my third two hour morning massage for my tennis elbow. I still managed an hour of writing before I went to lunch with a former fellowship leader before pre-study. The new study on Acts was well-received, so was the grammar Bible approach. At night another nine books were sold. The old song Hineni brought tears to my eyes at pth fellowship. I joined the younger pth Couples group and greatly encouraged a new couple trying to adapt to the group.
On Sunday the Spirit moved me to speak with conviction on an old message on the Great Commission.Telling Bonhoeffer's story was emotional for me. Two people made a decision for baptism at the end of the invitation. A coworker called me for lunch as we shared ministry stories.
May 10, 2017
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