Week forty two is a healthy week in more ways than one. On Monday the putonghua expository preaching revival got under way. For the next few days morning attendance was around 125, night 250.I was the chair for the night meeting and I did my pth best. When I told the speaker, an old acquaintance my wife passed away nine months ago, Some listener added, It's been quite awhile 都有一段時間." How annoying and classless, but that's the way people view a loss that is not theirs to begin with. For the rest of the week I delighted in Au's teaching. On the first night I walked old acquaintance the speaker home to his guest lodge fifteen minutes away and we shared old and new times together. He inspired me as a person, a teacher and a gentleman.
On Tuesday the revival was in full swing and I took a back seat to my two coworkers who truly ran the show with bravado while I ended up copying printouts for a days seminar, for a change. It was the least I could do compared with the frenetic pace of my coworkers.
The next day was the sweetest because I had a long and pleasant dream of Doris and I. We were parked in a quiet deserted corner with trees by the side where Doris and I slept for a long time in a comfortable mattress. To wake her up, as always, I said we better get going for fear of strangers, which usually works. When she drove, she was too close to other cars, causing consternation in me. When I said to a little girl on the street, "Girl, stay close to yout family so you don't get lost," Doris rebutted in a fun, "係唔係趁機會講我 Are you taking advantage to talk (the same) to me?"
On Thursday I picked up my medical report to find no other complications except for my earlier on the spot reported high blood pressure. At noon a co-worker asked to see me concerning my talk next Friday at her fellowship and later we shared a drink with her husband. At night an old song at the revival brought tears to my eyes because Doris used to play the song at home. It's another discovery to realize how old songs we sang touched me.
Friday could not come fast enough for me. I had western lunch for a change, with four others and a speaker. It was a nice week at fellowship with the speaker but all party had to end, thankfully for my tired coworkers good.
Saturday was not any easier because I had to meet a guest for dinner and I was tired by that time. At least the talk on politics by the expert was interesting. The reality of my high blood pressure recently afforded me half an hour in exercise and prayer exercising, so wrote down these prayer reminders for a prayer ministry like Doris:
1. Parkinson's disease friend
2. James to share gospel with business partner
3. C, financial trap
4. K, legal issue
5. K, nursing home dad
6. L, breast cancer
Sunday arrived and I attended campus marketplace talk at noon, gave Doris blog books to the speaker to give to her colleagues who know Doris, and then left with a friend who wanted to take me to Shek Kong, a place he once took Doris and I to see flowers bloom. At night I did my prayer walk. My hbp after 16 days exercise had gone down to 143/93 from 155/96 , praise God!
Finally, the song that triggered memories of Doris and tears in me:
Mar 10, 2017
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