Week forty four is a good week for the third dream week in a row. On Monday a coworkers and I were invited to lunch by a leader. I was uneasy for five days over the sudden invitation. The talk was pleasant, but my advocacy for younger coworkers failed. At night I attended a wonderful prayer meeting where a buddy said in introduction over a touchy situation, 我問神點解,神對我說,因為你學得唔夠 I asked God why? He said, because you have more to learn. That set the right tone for the night.
Tuesday was another start to the office week but I was bored because I had no new sermon coming up except assigned passages on discipleship I had done previously. A coworker cut my hair to remember Doris the next day. I have also added two friends' request for prayer to my list:
1. L, family crisis
2. H, refreshing
On top of that, I have been praying daily for the food I eat, the people I meet and the tasks I do.
Wednesday was ten months without Doris. I try to wear black usually for every month's anniversary, and this was no different. At late noon I talked to a friend and his wife as he had tendered his resignation at his job. Now I understand they both think the same way but I felt two years at a job is too short. At night I crawled under the blanket and had a good cry. I still missed Doris a lot!
The next day I had coffee with Doris' former pastor from Kingston, Canada. Rev Lo had such a kind heart to visit me, bless him! I gave him all our previous books published and two systematic theology books since he had intended to buy some books on the subject.
On Friday I had a sweet dream of Doris. It came from an interview a friend was having the same day for an overseas job. In my dream I explained to Doris how the job was available and my part in it.
On Saturday I had completed five chapters of our new 職場 marketplace book in four days. I have much motivation and energy for the book and conscious of the need to pray for its production. The earlier chapters are easier because the materials were previously written.
On Sunday the speaker had a fainting spell while speaking. One minute into her sermon she felt dizzy and asked me to pray for her. I left the praying job to my coworker as I rushed to the office for a replacement sermon. By the time I came back the coworkers had a better idea to read her perfectly written sermon as the praise team sang to give us time. The last song brought a lot of tears to my eyes out of grief and gratitude:
March 28, 2017
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Week 43
Week forty three was a stable week, as it has been since our putonghua revival. On Monday I went to our favorite faraway cafeteria for breakfast, later chomping down on a new Signature ANGUS beef for lunch, eating half the fries and drinking half the coke to curtail my high blood, if it is of any use. At 1pm I swam and jogged for an hour at the pool, and dashed off to meet my buddy who took me to Prince Edward to buy roses for Doris.
On Tuesday I woke to a dream of Doris. We bought BBQ pork and roast pork for our car travel. Many of our travels are by car reminiscent of our USA days. Doris gave me a hug, telling me she was bitten by bugs, and ended by saying, "Let's boil rice." Later we went to a store that was eyeing at my usa dollars. It's such a sweet dream.
On Wednesday I felt bad for my demanding requirement on a co-worker who was scheduled to preach a few days away. Old style coworkers have a hard time with Greek grammar, Bible study and communication skills. I felt bad and apologized. At night I left deacons meeting earlier so that I can still do my prayer walk before the day was over.
The next day was a light day at work because the putonghua department was headed to Cheung Chau for team building. We met with four former and present interns and we had a great time strolling on the island. I felt that our department has grown a lot and the team organized the revivals well, with some even considering it fun. A coworker's surgery and the use of morphine as painkiller evoked memories of Doris' use of morphine to battle pain. It was touching but tough.
On Friday I met an old friend from USA for breakfast and he had slimmed down considerably, saying his diet is more balanced over there. Friday night I was scheduled to speak at a couples fellowship. The invitation to talk on 同作門徒 arose two weeks ago when I did a chapter for one cell group and received a follow-up invitation to speak to all joint groups (300 strong attendance) that went down well, but unexpectedly a lot of interest was focused on 文法聖經.
On Saturday my own couples fellowship Bible study questions writing team got off to a good start. The three members were so mature and excited that I did not have to do all. Their job was to write the answers to my study questions and to write the corresponding application questions to my study questions. There was no rest later as I had to talk to a person and go through another coworkers sermon, but it was good for all. At the end of the day I volunteered to do benediction for a worship lacking ordained pastors. The speaker that day did a great job, selfishly speaking, benefiting from our study together.
Sunday was the last week to this quarter's Sunday school and the class ended on a high note. In the afternoon I met a co-worker from another organization for drinks. At the end of the day I did my prayer walk and worked hard on the final chapter of Doris' new book.
Mar 21, 2017
On Tuesday I woke to a dream of Doris. We bought BBQ pork and roast pork for our car travel. Many of our travels are by car reminiscent of our USA days. Doris gave me a hug, telling me she was bitten by bugs, and ended by saying, "Let's boil rice." Later we went to a store that was eyeing at my usa dollars. It's such a sweet dream.
On Wednesday I felt bad for my demanding requirement on a co-worker who was scheduled to preach a few days away. Old style coworkers have a hard time with Greek grammar, Bible study and communication skills. I felt bad and apologized. At night I left deacons meeting earlier so that I can still do my prayer walk before the day was over.
The next day was a light day at work because the putonghua department was headed to Cheung Chau for team building. We met with four former and present interns and we had a great time strolling on the island. I felt that our department has grown a lot and the team organized the revivals well, with some even considering it fun. A coworker's surgery and the use of morphine as painkiller evoked memories of Doris' use of morphine to battle pain. It was touching but tough.
On Friday I met an old friend from USA for breakfast and he had slimmed down considerably, saying his diet is more balanced over there. Friday night I was scheduled to speak at a couples fellowship. The invitation to talk on 同作門徒 arose two weeks ago when I did a chapter for one cell group and received a follow-up invitation to speak to all joint groups (300 strong attendance) that went down well, but unexpectedly a lot of interest was focused on 文法聖經.
On Saturday my own couples fellowship Bible study questions writing team got off to a good start. The three members were so mature and excited that I did not have to do all. Their job was to write the answers to my study questions and to write the corresponding application questions to my study questions. There was no rest later as I had to talk to a person and go through another coworkers sermon, but it was good for all. At the end of the day I volunteered to do benediction for a worship lacking ordained pastors. The speaker that day did a great job, selfishly speaking, benefiting from our study together.
Sunday was the last week to this quarter's Sunday school and the class ended on a high note. In the afternoon I met a co-worker from another organization for drinks. At the end of the day I did my prayer walk and worked hard on the final chapter of Doris' new book.
Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Week 42
Week forty two is a healthy week in more ways than one. On Monday the putonghua expository preaching revival got under way. For the next few days morning attendance was around 125, night 250.I was the chair for the night meeting and I did my pth best. When I told the speaker, an old acquaintance my wife passed away nine months ago, Some listener added, It's been quite awhile 都有一段時間." How annoying and classless, but that's the way people view a loss that is not theirs to begin with. For the rest of the week I delighted in Au's teaching. On the first night I walked old acquaintance the speaker home to his guest lodge fifteen minutes away and we shared old and new times together. He inspired me as a person, a teacher and a gentleman.
On Tuesday the revival was in full swing and I took a back seat to my two coworkers who truly ran the show with bravado while I ended up copying printouts for a days seminar, for a change. It was the least I could do compared with the frenetic pace of my coworkers.
The next day was the sweetest because I had a long and pleasant dream of Doris and I. We were parked in a quiet deserted corner with trees by the side where Doris and I slept for a long time in a comfortable mattress. To wake her up, as always, I said we better get going for fear of strangers, which usually works. When she drove, she was too close to other cars, causing consternation in me. When I said to a little girl on the street, "Girl, stay close to yout family so you don't get lost," Doris rebutted in a fun, "係唔係趁機會講我 Are you taking advantage to talk (the same) to me?"
On Thursday I picked up my medical report to find no other complications except for my earlier on the spot reported high blood pressure. At noon a co-worker asked to see me concerning my talk next Friday at her fellowship and later we shared a drink with her husband. At night an old song at the revival brought tears to my eyes because Doris used to play the song at home. It's another discovery to realize how old songs we sang touched me.
Friday could not come fast enough for me. I had western lunch for a change, with four others and a speaker. It was a nice week at fellowship with the speaker but all party had to end, thankfully for my tired coworkers good.
Saturday was not any easier because I had to meet a guest for dinner and I was tired by that time. At least the talk on politics by the expert was interesting. The reality of my high blood pressure recently afforded me half an hour in exercise and prayer exercising, so wrote down these prayer reminders for a prayer ministry like Doris:
1. Parkinson's disease friend
2. James to share gospel with business partner
3. C, financial trap
4. K, legal issue
5. K, nursing home dad
6. L, breast cancer
Sunday arrived and I attended campus marketplace talk at noon, gave Doris blog books to the speaker to give to her colleagues who know Doris, and then left with a friend who wanted to take me to Shek Kong, a place he once took Doris and I to see flowers bloom. At night I did my prayer walk. My hbp after 16 days exercise had gone down to 143/93 from 155/96 , praise God!
Finally, the song that triggered memories of Doris and tears in me:
Mar 10, 2017
On Tuesday the revival was in full swing and I took a back seat to my two coworkers who truly ran the show with bravado while I ended up copying printouts for a days seminar, for a change. It was the least I could do compared with the frenetic pace of my coworkers.
The next day was the sweetest because I had a long and pleasant dream of Doris and I. We were parked in a quiet deserted corner with trees by the side where Doris and I slept for a long time in a comfortable mattress. To wake her up, as always, I said we better get going for fear of strangers, which usually works. When she drove, she was too close to other cars, causing consternation in me. When I said to a little girl on the street, "Girl, stay close to yout family so you don't get lost," Doris rebutted in a fun, "係唔係趁機會講我 Are you taking advantage to talk (the same) to me?"
On Thursday I picked up my medical report to find no other complications except for my earlier on the spot reported high blood pressure. At noon a co-worker asked to see me concerning my talk next Friday at her fellowship and later we shared a drink with her husband. At night an old song at the revival brought tears to my eyes because Doris used to play the song at home. It's another discovery to realize how old songs we sang touched me.
Friday could not come fast enough for me. I had western lunch for a change, with four others and a speaker. It was a nice week at fellowship with the speaker but all party had to end, thankfully for my tired coworkers good.
Saturday was not any easier because I had to meet a guest for dinner and I was tired by that time. At least the talk on politics by the expert was interesting. The reality of my high blood pressure recently afforded me half an hour in exercise and prayer exercising, so wrote down these prayer reminders for a prayer ministry like Doris:
1. Parkinson's disease friend
2. James to share gospel with business partner
3. C, financial trap
4. K, legal issue
5. K, nursing home dad
6. L, breast cancer
Sunday arrived and I attended campus marketplace talk at noon, gave Doris blog books to the speaker to give to her colleagues who know Doris, and then left with a friend who wanted to take me to Shek Kong, a place he once took Doris and I to see flowers bloom. At night I did my prayer walk. My hbp after 16 days exercise had gone down to 143/93 from 155/96 , praise God!
Finally, the song that triggered memories of Doris and tears in me:
Mar 10, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Week 41
Already this is week forty one. On Monday I had lunch with Doris former classmates. The topic was none other but politics, Lam or Tsang? At night I had dinner with my predecessor and his wife. We always treated each other as friends even when he was more senior than me at work. As time goes by, we established a friendly relationship. Our progressive dinner includes wanton noodles in one store, bread n milk in another, and fruit or 湯圓 in the last. We had a great time at food and fellowship.
On Tuesday I met a man who accepted Christ two years ago. He told me how he had not cheated at taxes for the last two years and God has blessed his finances with the same gain. At night I returned to help a fellowship at their core meeting, confirming I will help in prestudy, and once a month devotion.
After I was diagnosed with high blood pressure I was careful with my lifestyle. Besides keeping to a regimen of jogging 1,000 times or steps in the pool, I no longer drink my favorite HK milk tea but turned to Ovaltine instead. Wednesday was the start.
By Thursday I finished my coming Sunday sermon, so it was a good day. Today's diet drink was Horlicks instead of milk tea. My friend has favorable news on his early Parkinson's report in that his doctor cannot confirm or rule out Parkinson's.
On Friday I met with a HK praise team ministry founder and his staff person. He happened to be the brother of one HKs most renowned Christian. Lunch was with a good USA friend who brought my purchases and his gift for me. At night I gave a 同作門徒 talk to a cell group with the response: Thanks, we enjoyed it a lot.
On Saturday a dearly beloved USA friend dropped by to visit me but I sensed he wanted me to stop crying, which made me feel uncomfortable. I clarified with him and he replied, "You are too deep into your sentiments, so a little reminder was fine." Few understand the deep pain of losing a spouse at the prime of the spouse's life, not even a very dearly beloved friend could empathize. I was disappointed.
On Sunday the sermon was well received, which made me cry longer than usual the moment I got to sit down after the sermon. At night I went with my neighbor to a friends place for hotpot.
Finally a song Doris once quoted in her blog that meant something to me in declining health:
Breathe on me, breath of God
Mar 7, 2017
On Tuesday I met a man who accepted Christ two years ago. He told me how he had not cheated at taxes for the last two years and God has blessed his finances with the same gain. At night I returned to help a fellowship at their core meeting, confirming I will help in prestudy, and once a month devotion.
After I was diagnosed with high blood pressure I was careful with my lifestyle. Besides keeping to a regimen of jogging 1,000 times or steps in the pool, I no longer drink my favorite HK milk tea but turned to Ovaltine instead. Wednesday was the start.
By Thursday I finished my coming Sunday sermon, so it was a good day. Today's diet drink was Horlicks instead of milk tea. My friend has favorable news on his early Parkinson's report in that his doctor cannot confirm or rule out Parkinson's.
On Friday I met with a HK praise team ministry founder and his staff person. He happened to be the brother of one HKs most renowned Christian. Lunch was with a good USA friend who brought my purchases and his gift for me. At night I gave a 同作門徒 talk to a cell group with the response: Thanks, we enjoyed it a lot.
On Saturday a dearly beloved USA friend dropped by to visit me but I sensed he wanted me to stop crying, which made me feel uncomfortable. I clarified with him and he replied, "You are too deep into your sentiments, so a little reminder was fine." Few understand the deep pain of losing a spouse at the prime of the spouse's life, not even a very dearly beloved friend could empathize. I was disappointed.
On Sunday the sermon was well received, which made me cry longer than usual the moment I got to sit down after the sermon. At night I went with my neighbor to a friends place for hotpot.
Finally a song Doris once quoted in her blog that meant something to me in declining health:
Breathe on me, breath of God
Mar 7, 2017
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