Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Week 40

Week forty is a bad week for my health. On Monday I returned to support a leader on a case and prayed for him in the afternoon. At night I do my prayer walk and worked on our next book.

On Tuesday we had two busy meetings, eating into study and sermon preparation time.  At night I attended men's fellowship with a few members. When I arrived home at night Doris beautiful lilies were in full bloom and sweet fragrance.

The next day 22nd was mourning day. A friend had cut my hair short yesterday to remember the ninth month without Doris today. I dressed in all black including vest but nobody seemed to notice now because I do it monthly and black is common in the cold weather. A friend in his late 40s requested prayer time with me because he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, with MRI to come. We cried and prayed together. Please remember him and his young family in prayer.

On Thursday I had more bad medical news. My checkup indicated I had high blood pressure, with 155/96 on second reading. A nurse asked me to consider medication. I would have to think about it. At noon I bought a high blood pressure gauge to monitor myself daily. I read up on high blood pressure. It's down to exercise and diet now.

On Friday a few workers visited an old friend to find him in a jolly good mood even without work for the moment. I returned for a wondrous sharing and prayer. At night I went for prayer walk and rested early to calm my blood.

I slept eight hours and jogged 1,000 times at the pool, which I used to do in USA. I thought this would be a good way to counter it because I had none of these diseases previously.

I left for church after swimming and jogging another 500 times in the pool on Sunday. I checked myself after Sunday school and the reading went down 1 point to 154 from 155. We had 35 mainland pastors from ABS attending our worship, so we gave a half hour talk as requested to them. I also gave each 文法聖經.

Finally, a song that touched me on Saturday, no matter how I fought it:

Feb 28, 2017

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