Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Week 25

Week twenty five was a dark and disappointing week. On Monday Doris' sister from San Diego was in town. The visitors to my home included her husband and Doris' other sister Faith, the two sisters making three souvenir amulets fom the urn and Viviens husband helping me with USA death documents.

Tuesday was a strange and shocking day. To my disappointment I was dismissed from extra group duties. Central is disoriented lately and I was the target. I asked, "Are you sure?" at least twice. There was no budging. I said later, I really wanted to shake your hands just now. My predecessor said I should add, Thank you very much. At night I attended the local church coworkers and gave 80 文法聖經 away to all attendees.

The next day close friends invited me for lunch. I said I  have nothing but pity for Central. At night I had dinner with Betty, one of Doris' best friends who is from Toronto. Tears were shared and shed with best friends. Their love for Doris always comforts me. I gave them two blog books for her other friends who held a memorial service in Toronto, organized by a friend Stanley who himself drove two and a half hours to attend.

Thursday was a special day. A clerk at church told me she had a dream of Doris, which I always like hearing: 

On Friday I woke early at 430am, and the thought of being fired from a duty occupied my mind, so much so I started writing a letter that I did not finish. My friends, true to form, again tried to calm me. I did say I had nothing but pity, but I found out I had human anger too.

Saturday was a special day, if not a sacred one. I took the visit from Doris sisters Vivien and Faith to our home on Monday as a tacit approval of resting the urn at home, so I finally took the urn out of the blue box that was supposed to transfer the urn to the cemetery. Tears naturally flowed. At noon I kicked off another group's study of Fellow Disciples同作門徒, the fourth so far.

Sunday arrived. On the way to worship I penned my letter in less than an hour, but my close friends were asking me to reconsider sending. The words were too direct here. Worship songs were meaningful and I was proud of my coworker speaking.

Nov 15

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