Year 2.47 was puzzling to my mind. On Monday I dreamed of looking at a center page big store Dept leather shoes ads, to which Doris said, Yes you've got to go to big Dept store if you want to buy good shoes. Surprisingly I felt released and found joy, peace and freedom instead. Late afternoon I had prayer with my buddies and dinner with village neighbor.
Day 2 was the usual run of the mill, helter skelter juggling a few sermons and talks but for my coworker to chase me for May's sermon outline. Lunch was with a coworker we are trying to persuade to join ESC. Honestly I feel there is more to achieve at LCD and many are under achieving and ignorant of their potential, not that I am any different. I attended missional discipleship talk. Night was men fellowship which J2 and DS attended.
Wednesday was leaders' meeting that ended at 1pm. We scheduled May 5 to recruit more leaders. For once we could have lunch together. Language meeting was smooth going too. I was also touched by Kwok family's love for their comatose son and brother.
Day 4 was lunch with coworker whose relative passed away. There were things we could share, on my part answering questions for the person's mental health. At evening I had hand treatment.
Friday was lunch with a USA retired pastor but it was uneasy because he was asking questions and gathering information more than catching up and enjoying friendship. For dinner I met a former student from Mount in town for a tour and gave him seven books, all I wrote, then joined fellowship in time.
Day 6 was home fellowship and I joined the single spouse group and talked to an intern about his future direction and attempt to coax a person to be fellowship to be chair.
On Sunday I listened to an American Korean, took pictures with baptism candidates and joined another family fellowship for food and singing. I brought J2 for his voice.
April 17, 2018
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