Year 3.4 was a week of recuperation from USA trip. On Monday I went to get flowers for Doris and then had a chiro appointment. I missed smelling fragrant daisies. Dinner was with buddy, but another was on a mission trip.
Day 2 was a long day because there were a morning meeting and evening fellowship. Lunch was farewell party with one of my fondest coworkers. Men's was disappointing because only three showed up. I left USA almonds for staff and coworkers on the table but even the packet was gone by next morning.
On Wednesday I attended a leaders meeting and I was glad it ended by 2pm. At 3 I had to intervene into an emotional conflict, not my strength. Dinner was with a USA friend C who is planning to attend seminary, but has no breakthrough.
Day 4 The half day was full. Lunch was with CBI rep who wanted me to be involved with a new certificate program. Next I had tea with a fellow leader who took the time to find out how I'm doing, but it was cut short because I had to visit cais. I was glad I could install an old Bible program in my new PC after an arduous attempt. Dinner was with 馬友組
On Friday i had lunch with a possible language candidate. It was also my Timothy's last day. I had a sinking feeling and a lump in my throat. It was the Doris loss effect that makes loss, separation and absence a challenge.
Day 6 an admin person broke down emotionally, so I had to hear the case. I assured the person that ministry was not worth a mental breakdown, not that I have not seen it.
Sunday was Father's day, and I was glad an English coworker had a pulpit breakthrough. I did some work on Bible grammar before dinner. At night I was invited to celebrate dinner with buddy and his future in-laws.
June 19, 2018
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