Today (5th) was an amazing day because I had to preach twice, one at 10 am and another at 1215pm. Surprisingly with all the rush I discovered that this is the best use of my gifts. The first was a small church of 100 in Tin Shui Wai. Wife and I enjoyed ourselves at the smaller one, which is a flashback to days gone by. More satisfying is knowing that two other coworkers did well with all the preparation we had done. Today I have a breakthrough in writing thanks to a person I never imagined. One of my biggest blessings lately is that my former prof at seminary Roy Zuck has offered to edit graduates' work at a bargain rate. He took less than two weeks to cover over 180 pages, so my Parables of Life in English could make its debut as soon as I find out how to market it, maybe e-book if I have a lead. He did a peerless job and now I have a persoanl tutor and writing mentor.
Wife's summer is almost over, so we decided have lunch buffet on my day off at Tsuen Wan Nina Lounge (10th) for HK$100 lunch. It was well worth the price for all the sashimi they have. After lunch we walk the new Citywalk 2 and took the 40-mins-once ferry back to Ma Wan. We had a wonderful time, and so do the seniors and middle-age men at the malls who got to see the Olympics games free at the mall's big-screen TV. Next we are planning to celebrate my birthday.
I played the guitar for a praise team for the first time today (11th) in more than ten years. It was enjoyable because it was the first time they have a guitar group to support the praise team. We have a short rehearsal and my hand skin is thicker and sorer after. An overnight compliment: "Brother Victor, I'll never forget you scratched your wound in order to heal my wounds and encourage me. That is an example of the incarnation of Jesus. I took it and am grateful to you for it."
Today is my birthday and Wife greeted me when we woke. A brother will take me for lunch and hopefully I will get other offers of afternoon tea. I couldn't help but think of Psalms 51 again this morning like the mornings before. By now it it is whole new message. In the meantime a typhoon is threatening to rain on my parade. I had a buffet lunch at the Tower and tea at Mickey D's.
I finally got a big load off my chest after preaching twice today (19th). Not that I didn't enjoy it; I did, but there was much writing to do and I almost drowned in Psalms 51. The second one was a redo, so the excitement level is not that high, which is good because no one can do two new ones in one week. The greatest blessing is influencing others to spend more time in studying God's word.
On Monday (20th) we took an early 7:45am ferry to Macau to help Wife clean her room before school begins. It was shocking to know that I was last there six months ago, such a long time ago. We finished cleaning by 11 am and took the bus to have buffet lunch at Rossio's, which we truly enjoy, leaving for Hong Kong after lunch. I reached home at 4pm, swam and got ready for dinner with two coworkers here.
I wrote this email to coworkers yesterday (23rd):
"After close to a year together, our final Preaching Class for incoming workers ended yesterday with a bang. I was proudest to see Year 2's Alan Lau (moderator) and Year 1's Augustine Chow both tear with their uniqueness into the same passage (Col 1:24-29) at full speed and with full might! It was good to see coworkers equipped as expositors to accept the challenge of the church tomorrow.
On the Tuesday of DECEMBER 4, 18, 2012 and JANUARY 8 2013 (3 alternate weeks that coincide with ECM) I will do three weeks of understanding Old Testament structure, which is quite similar to New Testament, using the book of Obadiah. Tuesday could be best for everyone since most coworkers have to
attend afternoon coworkers meeting, so they don’t have to take another trip. Let me know if you are interested so that I can start booking rooms.
Come February 2013 onwards (1st and 3rd Tuesdays), I hope to lead a group to study Pastoral Epistles with the goal of encouraging coworkers to preach from 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus on Sundays at whatever worship they are or use it for future fellowship study. I hope group study becomes a part of YF culture because Group Study = Group Support + Group Synergy. Let me know if you are interested in this as well.
Both groups are open to all except new coworkers. I will have another group for new coworkers."
At night I benefited from a dinner given by committee members. Wife was invited but she was not around, texting: "Unfair." I received a box of L chocs.That could appease Wife. I woke up the day after thinking my fellow coworkers, weird. The work must be getting to me.
On Tuesday (28th) we had a round of singing the oldies but goodies after most people left the office. We had so much fun that my wife called us Wild Boys, including Alex, Wing Chuen, Jim, Augustine and staff Dixon. Alex's mandolin was so special that I wonder what music in heaven is like. I hope we can do one more round at retreat. I can't believe my favorite is I Started a Joke since I am not into Bee Gees.

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