I have been so busy that I have not taken a public holiday four straight times, including Ching Ming, Good Friday, Labor Day and Buddha's Birthday. I am not complaining because the last two were enjoyable and spent wisely at retreats, one for Couples and the other for Putonghua fellowship.
Wife and I did a morning session for Couples and they especially praised Wife more than me. At the second Wife was the main leader because she did all the work for the Bible Camp. We find out there is a future for Bible Camps that were sorely neglected in Hong Kong and almost everywhere in the world. I hope to put the materials for others to download her work on Ruth.
Today (7th) was SDR day. It was bittersweet because my work was commendable but the standards were hard for coworkers to meet. There must be something more and something better.
I finally finished revising all my New Testament sermons by Mother's Day (11th), adding the grammatical structure to all my previous sermons. It is hard to describe how fulfilled and relieved I felt, There is the Old Testament to go but I really don't want to do another sermon just yet, gotta unwind for a while.