Monday, December 1, 2014

Year's End, Dec 2014

It's terrible, the year is slowly coming to an end so fast. At least I have caught up with my lost usb content, which took me half a year. I have not been a good blogger as well, it seems I blogged every two months nowadays.

Hong Kong is caught up with Occupy Central. Let's pray for protesters, police and the public. There is just no good end to the two opposing sides, the officials and the opposition. It should never have happened in the first place, but the city is so divided politically, financially and emotionally presently. 

The last year was some sort of weird closure for my siblings. My brother has passed his permanent resident interview to the States. It is my sister's upcoming case that i fear for.

PTH is stable but there could be a change, which is usual for such a big group. It is more important to encourage and empower the next generation.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


I trained 64 coworkers abroad over the weekend and, in the process, realized where I am much needed. Over time I have grown into the role of mentor. At first I was reluctant to embrace it, claiming I am more of a teacher and trainer, especially in preaching, than a mentor. Futhermore mentor is such a glorified word that it is better to lie low. Now I realized I am more of a mentor not because I embraced it but that others embrace me. It is now a relationhsip over the role.

As usual my entry point is grammatical studies, teaching students how to do structual diagramming in Chinese with the help of a parsing guide. The students learned in leaps and bounds. They did not want me to leave their app group that I joined temporarily but it is best to leave and not to usurp the influence of their school administrators in the same group. Another thing I am glad to do is to recommend fellow coworkers to the school. Coworkers need to go out for more exposure and experience. Most who do the same thing over and over again need the jolt from meeting others who are more needy. Like I often say, no church is big enough. The four walls are often impenetratable, stifling liberty and suffocating creativity.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lost Files

I have rewritten most of the stuff I lost from my lost usb. It taught me a lot abut patience and perseverance. Patience is letting things slide, but perseverance making it up. I have actually gone further in inserting the grammatical structure back into my old sermons, all the way to Judges.

Unfortunately just as I have wrapped up and caught up, my wife's usb did not work and so she lost at least four original Bible study lessons she wrote. The frustrations I had experienced were all over her. She managed to rewrite everything over a week. Life has a way of confusing and connecting us.

Work is OK but missions still tops my agenda as I am not getting any younger, turning 54 last month. Two incidents illustrate how I look. A life guard asked me where I was going when I said bye after a morning swim. I said, "Work." He said, "Aren't you retired?" Another lifeguard this week said, "You look young for a man in his 60s." Now I have a thing against life guards.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Lost USB, Jul 2014

It's been so busy I just realized I missed last month's blog. I am not surprised because there was a lot of catching up to do these two months. The main reason is I lost my keys along with my attached usb and octopus card. The stick was the biggest loss because I did not save my usb files, so I had lost at least three months work, including two upcoming semidone sermons, all my revised NT sermons with updated grammatical structure and at least one full sermon I had preached. Basically it is a major writing disaster and I have been working hard to restore the revisions.

I had learned a hard lesson that  tested me but I think I passed the test. It made me realize those are just things and objects. Second my patience and alertness have grown as a result. Third, God continued to give me strength, discipline and gifts so that i can redo them.

Up to now I have redone the structures again. No wonder the Chinese have a saying to survive the crisis first to continue later. The interesting thing is other matters pale in comparison since.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Retreats, May 2014

I have been so busy that I have not taken a public holiday four straight times, including Ching Ming, Good Friday, Labor Day and Buddha's Birthday. I am not complaining because the last two were enjoyable and spent wisely at retreats, one for Couples and the other for Putonghua fellowship.

Wife and I did a morning session for Couples and they especially praised Wife more than me. At the second Wife was the main leader because she did all the work for the Bible Camp. We find out there is a future for Bible Camps that were sorely neglected in Hong Kong and almost everywhere in the world. I hope to put the materials for others to download her work on Ruth.

Today (7th) was SDR day. It was bittersweet because my work was commendable but the standards were hard for coworkers to meet. There must be something more and something better.

I finally finished revising all my New Testament sermons by Mother's Day (11th), adding the grammatical structure to all my previous sermons. It is hard to describe how fulfilled and relieved I felt, There is the Old Testament to go but I really don't want to do another sermon just yet, gotta unwind for a while.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Revived, Apr 2014

I heard Edmund Chan for two days last week and I was greatly encouraged by his talk on discipleship. It's been a while since I listened intently and drank deeply from a speaker. More power to expository preaching!

The only thing that work against Edmund's preaching is that it stirred up discontent in me doing local ministry when overseas ministry is in dire need. Let's pray that I can wait another year before returning to the mission field more regularly.

On the work front life is busy, squeezing much of what I can offer. The meetings, the issues and the personnel are a lot to deal with, definitey not for the young in ministry.

I love my work in my PTH department though. The team is now settled and the coworkers here are effectively doing their part, so I do not have to intervene in disagreements. The worst thing is department politics, of which I am thankfully spared. For three consecutive weeks I have been seeing Wnezhou pastors visiting church while they are here for training and conferences. It really gladdens my heart to see them.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mar 2014, Added Responsibilities

There's a saying among coworkers here, Half-time ministry is full-time work, and full- time ministry is working overtime. I felt the weight too. Suddenly I have a couples fellowship added to my load, which I can only do to the best of my ability. The key is not to complain or compare, which is not my style either. Now I train incoming coworkers, lead PTH department and a couples fellowship.

Feb 9th was a strange marker. I did three sermons in one day in three languages and at three locations, one was in Putonghua at church, the second in Eglish at North Point and the last in Cantonese a funeral for a friend's mother.

Feb 25th was a meeting day. I attended four meetings, one in PTH at 940am, next was Education 11am, coworkers at 2pm and training at 3-5pm. On the next day I was worn out and couldn't keep awake hearing a coworker's sermon notes. One you are so active, relaxing means sleep.

Wife yesterday wrote a touching letter to update friends on her health condition:
Dear friends,
Quite a few folks have asked me how I am doing and I noticed I had not sent a note for a while. Well, thank you for your prayers and continuous support!

In early Dec, I was blessed by 2 Co 5:1-10 during worship. I was reminded I would not be naked (v2) when we meet God and that what is mortal may be swallowed by life (v4)… So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it (V9). You must read the whole passage, it was so uplifting! I began to long for a new body and hope for the new life.

Then I completed my second doctorate (Doctor of Education) from University of Southern California and the degree was posted on Dec 18, 2013. I started this degree in 2006 to obtain a secular degree that might pave the way to teach in China! After I had cancer in 2010, I put it on hold and gave up. Then I decided to persevere and experience God in the process. Indeed He guided me through step by step – teaching me what to read, helping me get unstuck in the statistical analyses and even guiding me how to format the tables. It was a delight to experience His direction in an intimate way despite the uncertainty that I might not be able to press through the finish line. Then when I had the recurrence last March, all this seems to be in vain. I totally did not think it would be of any use. I would have 2 doctorates but no life to make use of them for benefit of others. In tears, I prayed that if the Lord will, may He use it somehow. He PUSHED me
through in amazing ways! I learn that even if I may not finish a task, I will walk one step at a time once that step is available.

On January 6, 2014, my birthday, I shared at the chapel of a local seminary. Usually I want to have a special treat for birthdays. But this year, I was thankful to be alive and testifying God! My birthday wish is 年年有今日, 歲歲有今朝 i.e. many more years to testify His healing grace!

On February 2, 2014, my eldest sister passed away. At age 37, a drunk driver put her into a persistent vegetative state in a car accident. She lived for another 30 years, confined in her earthly body. For many years I asked God “why” and “what good can come out from this?” God has taught me about His sovereign will – you do not know but you trust in Him. In the obituary, we wrote “Only God and she would know what the last 30 years were like for her. However, one thing is for sure- neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39).” Somehow I was able to find rest that the only way to life is to trust in God’s sovereign will and to make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it (1 Cor 5: 9).
Please pray for her husband and children.

Well, I returned to Macau to finish this academic year. I was at first worried about meeting the Sabbatical leave requirements. Finally I decided to just do what is possible (instead of do my best). I wanted to wrap up well. In fact, I decided to complete some of the research projects I had started and collected data, and one step at a time. Why bother when I am planning to quit? First, I like to persevere and bring things to completion. Second, as I reflect on my career, one thing that I regret was that I did not do sufficient academic writing and journal publication primarily because I could not stand being criticized and rejected by journal reviewers! (Some can be helpful but some just trash your work!) I decided to go through this process, not for career advancement, but to face my weakness and made a step forward to make changes. It is never too late to better yourself as a person. Even if I may die soon, it is still good to take the tiny step to
change “ME.” Third, I may live long and also there may be some unknown good coming out of it - Never lose hope!

Lastly, this period is not all rosy but with struggles. I fired at Victor because he provoked me (his perspective – teasing me) for taking a taxi to do a guest lecture. I was so mad I woke him up in the middle of the night to tell him how miserable I felt. I need him to understand my health needs more. Well then we made up and learned to appreciate each other’s perspective! I got anxious because my Liver Function Index is not great (please pray for it!) Then I had stomach flu or stomach pain and I worried. Sometimes I felt guilty for having some delicious food and was sure I would be punished for it….. Many other mini-dramas! But overall God’s grace is really sufficient!!!

I decided that after this semester, I would not work until I finish the 2-year chemotherapy. Please pray for God’s clear guidance. I am now going into 10 months’ treatment. Please pray that the side effects of the chemotherapy would be bearable. Thank you for standing by me in prayer.

Doris (3/3/2014)  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Biggest CNY Gift, Feb 2014

I was given the biggest Chinese New Year gift by far. Two and a half years after resigning from seminary teaching in Hong Kong to be USA missionary, I received a e-mail from INS that my brother is scheduled for his immigration interview on March 6 in Kuala Lumpur. At first I was disappointed because I prayed for my sister, forgetting that I applied for him and her wife before I applied for my sister. It is crazy but I got the dates wrong. All in all it's been a long wait of slightly less than 15 years.

On the first day of the month we received news that Irene died in her sleep. It's been thirty years since she was comatose, but it's the end of a chapter close to wife's heart. At least she has peace because we went to visit her four months ago in USA.

Tomorrow (3rd) we are going to Macau for the last day of the  new year public holidays. As usual it is time to take the books and other tems to get ready for school two weeks from now, a day after our Tien Dao talk. Our talks keep coming after the release of our new book, including one for fellowship (23rd) and one to a school in May, which wife is looking forward to.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, Jan 2014

The Yaps' praise and thanksgiving to God in 2013:
(1) 大難不死
(2) New book released in December 2013 (恩上家 恩)
(3) Completion of degree
(4) Vacation in USA in September 2013
(5) Full-time pastoral ministry since October 2013

A lot has happened in 2013, but God has been great. Doris' condition is stable after a mighty scare on our USA vacation. She has another one and a half years of chemotherapy left but by God's grace she shall survive.

Full-time is taxing but I learned much. Besides work, aging also takes its toll. I am sure my eyelids have drooped and black rings have emerged.

Last month I broke my glasses. It was more wear and tear than break. A week later I also lost my phone. It was a hardship but I learned to be more careful.