The bad news of Doris' recurrence of cancer last week (25th) hit me like a ton of bricks. The first week was crying week. Tomorrow (3rd) we will see her doctor and then next week (8th) to Princess Margaret Hospital. Her pessimistic regret is that she might not be there for me just as I am making it in missions and in Hong Kong. May the Lord protect my precious wife. Please pray for her as she is rightfully anxious and fearful.
Close friends send their regards:
Victor and Doris:
Frist of all, thank you for including me in this difficult update. I am deeply saddened by it. I will enter your names into my daily prayer list. It must be very hard for you to recieve this news. We don't know why this recurrence. We do know that we have to trust in the Lord who causes all things to work together for the good of our lives. Take care. We are in this journey with you. Thank you again for sharing. Herman (and Eleanor)
Dear Victor:
I am so sorry to hear of the recurrence of cancer on Doris. Michelle and I will be praying for her healing. May our loving and almighty Lord extend His powerful hands to help and allow us all to experience His love and glory. Please keep us posted so we can all be together in this whole deal! We love you.
In His loving embrace
Known It or not, Doris has been always in my prayers. Will pray more. Cancer life can be a blessing life. I am sure Doris has been blessed by our Lord, as she always been.
Two days ago (28th) I received a delightful thank you from a coworker:
Dear mentors
Here comes one of few times when i feel "finally i can shine". Or i will prefer saying"it feels good reflecting the Lord's bright sunlight" if i do, my site, even though it is just like a tiny spark, i sincerely thank you. For you have crafted and sharpened me, and i thank God for having put me in your hammering, lifting, comforting, forgiving, loving, guiding hands.
a humble student of yours
Doris' operation is set for Tuesday (30), the last day of the month before May 1st, which is a public holiday.
It will be on her lymph node to determine what kind of cancer it is and also on a tumor to determine if it is benign or malignant. So our lives will turn upside down once again but God's peace was with her the last two weeks, that's the perfect present God gave us in adversity. She shared to her friends:
"Thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement that carry me through this time. I am so loved!!
It was a long wait for the results of the biopsy report. In the meantime a lot of people have prayed for me (our staff fellowship, our Macau BSF prayer group, our church, and even friends in China!). The Lord has given me peace to receive the report – indeed there is malignancy. I am scheduled for an operation on April 30 and may the Lord take out whatever can be removed through the hands of the surgeon. Then there may be some type of follow-up chemotherapy. The good news is – right now it does not look like it is metastatic. So there are treatment options. During this wait, I pray for healing (and certainly desire miraculous healing) but slowly I begin to pray more and more to surrender to God’s sovereign will and to accept His plan for me with humble heart. For the past year I have been reading a little book Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence. I am only beginning to learn…it is not easy. Some of you know I like to plan, organize and execute (basically I like to be in control!) I pray that I would serve God only in the way He wants, even in sickness and in death – to serve by fully submitting to His perfect will. It is tough but by His grace, He will help me.
I was invited to share on Mother’s Day at a church in Macau – half of this church is a group of youngsters from an orphanage/group home. I was also about to lead a retreat on May 17 for a fellowship group for widows & divorced mothers. I pray so hard to keep these commitments. In contrast, it is quite easy to let go of some academic leadership opportunities at work. God uses this to show me where my heart really belongs. Three years ago when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I was just about to start a bible study group for mainland students. I promised myself I would return after treatment. Today I witness our staff, local church and missionaries involved in this campus ministry. So I trust that I would witness God’s work even more this time! I want to ask you to pray for a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) pilot class in Macau. I also pray hard for this one because I am supposed to get training in U.S. with another person in September in order to start this ministry. The Lord has led me to apply for sabbatical or no pay leave in order to start this ministry! Initially I resisted and just when I was finally ready to send in the application for training, the PET/CT scan deterred me. If you have had chemotherapy before you would know it knocks you out – I don’t see how I can possibly go. So I pray that the Lord would either move another person to go or spare me. But if He would send me, now I know it is a great blessing and privilege. May God make a way for us to have a BSF ministry in Macau!
Again my theme verse is (Philippians 1:18-20). “Yes and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.”