Monday, March 2, 2009

Durian, Mar 2009

Leftover durian is really smelly, I must admit. A week ago (Feb 24) I bought a durian at 10pm after night class at Tsim Sha Tsui. The price was reduced from HK$31 to $21 shortly beofre closing. It is strange that shopping at night for food after a long class makes me more relaxed. I ate two of the four pieces packed in a wrapper and stuck the rest in the freezer, out of the sight of Durian-intolerant Wife. The reason for leaving it in the fridge is that eating more than two pieces, especially that late at night, is not good for health. Worse, I drank sesame soybean I bought at the same time - a new favorite of mine, instead of water like we used to do after eating durian when we were kids. True to form, I woke up about 4-5 am looking for water to cool down my warm body. A week later, when Wife is not home, I took the leftover durian out again and it smelled like never before. OK, I have learned my lesson, one durian at a time. The next week after class, durian was on sale again , but I had learned to discipline myself. The temptation never ends.

I cannot help but notice the plight of Hong Kong's cage men, whose misfortunes were highlighted in SCMP today (8th). At night, 100,000 or so residents of poor parts of Kowloon - such as Shum Shui Po and Tai Kok Tsui - sleep in a 13 1/4 sq-ft wire coop no different from a chicken. The irony was today I was at Shum Shui Po, buying a netbook for Wife. Today was as busy as can be. I spoke twice today - 830a at TST and 11a at Alliance Mandarin in Shum Shui Po. The former was an unexpected SOS.

Souperman said...
"Hey Pastor, you don't need tax return to apply for credit card. For Bank of CHina, Bank of East Asia, all you proof of salary (3 months), proof of resident address and HKID...well, maybe it's because you don't have HKID."

Believe me, we were turned down in letter by BEA even when we have all the above. No use crying over a minor inconvenience. We are used to it by now. That goes to show credit card is not everything.

I am done with night classes this quarter, with the last class two days ago (10th). At least I get a two weeks' break before the next night session begins. The students are wonderful, but subway traffic at 10p in Tsim Sha Tsui is a sight to behold. The coaches are mostly full, a lot connecting to West Rail at where I stop, too. One of the things I enjoy doing is to shop at the supermarket nearby that closes at 10 pm, giving me minutes to get what I want. There are quite a lot of customers, especially South Asians, frequenting the store before it closes. I saw one buying a discount durian - one third or one quarter off, like what I did three weeks ago, so I am not the only one looking for a bargain.

My phone carrier is a thief. Two months ago I signed up for an account. Yesterday I was charged double than what I ordered. When I called, I was told it was for other services, like music etc, which I do not even use. Unless you tell them, they will keep charging, isn't that daylight robbery and outright fraud? No wonder the company is in turmoil.

As the quarter draws near, I have a major case of disorientation. Because my Tuesday night class has ended, I did not need to track home this Tuesday afternoon (17th) for a short break before the night class. Since I was in the office, I thought today must be Wednesday, especially when I woke up from a short lunch nap minutes before class began. Panicking and not realizing today was Tuesday and thinking I was late for Wednesday class, I hurried into the class, to the students' amusement and disbelief. Worse, today's real teacher was later than me arriving, I realize when I looked into the class, so making me believe I was the teacher on assignment.